zaterdag 4 juli 2009


We are fortunate that this, the only portrait of the three sisters together, has survived. Shortly after Patrick's death in 1861, Charlotte's husband, Arthur Bell Nicholls, took the portrait back to Ireland with him where he placed it, folded, on the top shelf of a wardrobe; and there it lay (along with the Emily fragment from the 'Gun Group Portrait') for the next fifty three years, being discovered, and subsequently sold in 1914, by his second wife, Mary Anne Nicholls, after Arthur's death in 1906. Charlotte's friend and eventual biographer, Elizabeth Gaskell, was shown the portrait by Charlotte during her first visit to the Parsonage in September 1853 (several years after Anne and Emily, whom she had never met, had died). In her biography, 'The Life of Charlotte Brontë', written two years after Charlotte's death, she described the event, and the portrait, thus:

'. . . there could be no doubt about Branwell's talent for drawing. I have seen an oil painting of his, done I know not when . . . It was a group of his sisters, life size, three-quarters' length; not much better than sign-painting, as to manipulation; but the likenesses were, I should think, admirable. I could only judge of the fidelity with which the other two were depicted, from the striking resemblance which Charlotte, upholding the great frame of canvas, and consequently standing right behind it, bore to her own representation, though it must have been ten years and more since the portraits were taken. The picture was divided, almost in the middle, by a great pillar. On the side of the column which was lighted by the sun, stood Charlotte, in the womanly dress of that day of jigot sleeves and large collars. On the deeply shadowed side, was Emily, and Anne's gentle face resting on her shoulder. Emily's countenance struck me as full of power; Charlotte's of solicitude; Anne's of tenderness. The two younger seemed hardly to have attained their full growth, though Emily was taller than Charlotte; they had cropped hair, and a more girlish dress. I remember looking on those two sad, earnest, shadowed faces, and wondering whether I could trace the mysterious expression which is said to foretell an early death. I had some fond superstitious hope that the column divided their fates from hers, who stood apart in the canvas, as in life she survived. . . . They were good likenesses, however badly executed.'

dinsdag 30 juni 2009

This is the schoolroom where all three of the Brontë sisters taught

Patrick Bronte was a passionate believer in educating children, particularly poor children.This no doubt came from his own impoverished background growing up in Ireland, the eldest of ten children. Through his own talent and sponsorship, he was able to rise from these humble beginnings to enter St John's Cambridge to study for the ministry.

Patrick and his family arrived in Haworth in 1820, determined to improve the lives of his parishioners. In 1831 he persuaded the Church Trustees to release a small parcel of land on Church Street for the building of a Sunday School. He then requested and was granted £80 from the National Society to contribute towards the building of the school. The Sunday School building was opened in the summer of 1832 The commemorative plaque over the door was composed by Patrick, and reads:

'This National Sunday School is under the management of trustees of whom the incumbent for the time being is one. It was erected AD1832 by Voluntary Subscription and by a grant from the National Society in London. Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. Prov. XII.6'

In 1843 Patrick secured a further grant from the National Society to enable a salaried master to teach at the school on weekdays. In 1843 the first of three extensions were built, the second in 1850-3, and the third in 1872. The later extensions are still extant and form the two gable ends opposite the Parsonage.

The building remained a school until it was replaced by a larger building in 1903, but still continues to serve the community for which it was built.

a sampler of Emily Bronte

This is a reproduction of a sampler which Emily Bronte worked when she was ten years old. The reproduction is authorized by the Bronte Society, and the original may be seen at the Bronte Parsonage Museum, Haworth, England.



Monday, June 29, 2009
The Brontë Parsonage Museum has been awarded a grant of £50,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund to support a programme of exciting new developments.

The museum has ambitious plans to completely refurbish the historic interiors of the Parsonage over the next two years. This will involve researching and introducing a new decorative scheme to the Parsonage rooms, the renewal of interpretation giving visitors of all ages information about the house and the family, and installing new object cases and displays. The project will also seek to create a greater focus in the museum on Haworth’s history and the social-historical context in which the Brontës lived. As part of this initiative there will be a programme of community activity to involve local people in the project. The Heritage Lottery Fund grant will fund stage 1 of the project which will involve the introduction of new interpretation, object cases and displays and the community programme of events which will begin with a local residents’ free admission day on 15 August.

The museum, which was home to the famous Brontë family for over forty years, and is where Charlotte, Emily and Anne’s great novels were written, recently completed a major refurbishment to its permanent exhibition space located in an extension to the original Brontë house. The refurbishment was the first major development at the museum in over twenty years and the new exhibition space, Genius: The Brontë Story, which includes the treasures of the museum’s collection as well as fun interactive displays for children, has proved a big hit with visitors. This latest project will see further improvements to the museum.

Fiona Spiers, Head of HLF, Yorkshire and the Humber Region, said:
This fantastic project will really bring the museum’s collections to life for everyone to explore. HLF is dedicated to supporting projects that open up our heritage for locals and visitors to learn about and enjoy.
We are delighted that the Heritage Lottery Fund is supporting us with this work. The Brontës are the heart of Haworth but they were part of a broader community when they lived and wrote here and the museum has an important role in reflecting that and in forging links with the twenty-first century Haworth community. This project will hopefully allow us to work in partnership with that community to reinterpret the Brontës and the Parsonage for the next generation.

Andrew McCarthy, Director, Brontë Parsonage Museum

maandag 29 juni 2009

De foto van Patrick Brontë

De foto van Patrick Brontë, die 29=-6=2--9 is geveild voor 1476 pond, gaat terug naar Haworth. De anonieme koper van het portret, een vrouw uit het zuiden van Engeland, schenkt het aan het Brontë Parsonage Museum. “Dit moet niet in particuliere handen blijven”, liet zij weten in een reactie. De foto was sinds 1898 ‘vermist’, toen deze werd verkocht voor 5 pence uit de boedel van The Museum of Brontë Relics. Onlangs dook het portret op tijdens een antiekmarkt. De koper heeft bijna drie keer meer betaald dan verwacht. Eerder schatte het veilinghuis de waarde van het portret op maximaal 600 pond.


Wat betekent Gothische literatuur?

Ik kom regelmatig de term Gothic tegen i.v.m. Emily Bronte. Ik ben op zoek gegaan naar de betekenis. Het betekent "Horror". En uit Wikepedia haal ik het volgende:

De invloed van Byronic Romanticism duidelijk in het werk van de zusters Brontë. Emily Brontë 's Wuthering Heights (1847) het Gotische zit hier in de Yorkshire Moors, spookachtige verschijningen en een Byronic held in de persoon van de demonische Heathcliff. Terwijl Charlotte Brontë 's Jane Eyre (1847) een krankzinnige vrouw op zolder toevoegt. The Brontës' fiction is door sommige feministische critici als voorbeelden van vrouwelijk Gothic.