zaterdag 15 mei 2010

Wuthering Heights TV costumes visit Brontë Parsonage Museum at Haworth

Fans of Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights might like to visit the Brontë Parsonage Museum in the coming months as it plays host to some of the costumes from the latest TV adaptation of the classic novel.

Outfits seen in ITV's bank holiday costume drama, including dresses worn by Charlotte Riley as Cathy and the dramatic long black coat of Heathcliff, played with suitably brooding menace by Tom Hardy, are being displayed within the period rooms of the Museum.

Emily Brontë's only novel, Wuthering Heights, tells the story of the passionate but thwarted love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw and, perhaps more than any novel of the Brontë sisters, draws upon the bleak backdrop of the Yorkshire Moors to create a desolate, Gothic atmosphere

vrijdag 14 mei 2010

The parlour

This is the room in Haworth Parsonage, variously known as the dining room, the drawing room or the parlour, in which the Brontë sisters used to write and discuss their work with each other. When the novelist Elizabeth Gaskell, Charlotte's friend and future biographer, first visited in September 1853, she was struck by its exquisite cleanliness and neatness. In contrast to the "bleak cold colours" of the Yorkshire moors outside, "the room looked the perfection of warmth, snugness and comfort, crimson predominating in the furniture".
Despite having published Jane Eyre, Shirley and Villette pseudonymously, Charlotte had, by that time, become a - somewhat reluctant - literary celebrity. Gaskell noted the portrait of her over the fireplace, commissioned by her publisher from the fashionable artist George Richmond. The experience of sitting for it had been a trial for the self-conscious Charlotte, who had collapsed into mortified tears when asked by the artist to remove something odd from the top of her head (he thought it was possibly a bit off the inside of her hat, but it may have been, even more embarrassingly, an unsuccessful hairpiece). Richmond nevertheless captured the fire in Charlotte's eyes, even if he flattered and conventionalised the rest of her face, which Gaskell found plain, with missing teeth and irregular features.

Despite the welcoming warmth of the décor, the parlour retained an aura of melancholy. Charlotte's sisters Emily and Anne had died in 1848 and 1849 - Emily is said to have died on the sofa in this room - and the space seemed to resonate with a sense of loss. After Gaskell had retired for bed in the room directly above, she could hear Charlotte's footsteps in the parlour. The servant told her how the three sisters had been used to walking round the table as they talked late into the night: "Miss Emily walked as long as she could, and when she died Miss Anne and Miss Brontë took it up - and now my heart aches to hear Miss Brontë walking, walking on alone."


Op het moment zijn de opnames nog in volle gang, de film komt naar verwachting in 2011 in de bioscoop. De cast is indrukwekkend: naast rijzende ster Wasikowska zullen ook Jamie Bell (Billy Elliot) als St. John Rivers, Michael Fassbender (Inglourious Basterds) als Mr. Rochester, Judi Dench als Mrs. Fairfax en Sally Hawkins (Happy-Go-Lucky, Persasion) als Mrs. Reed meespelen. Imogen Poots (Miss Austen Regrets) speelt Blanche Ingram.


Selected Letters Of Charlotte Bronte by Margaret Smith

These letters give an insight into the life of a writer whose novels continue to be bestsellers. They reveal much about Charlotte Bronte's personal life, her family relationships, and the society in which she lived. Many of her early letters are written with vigour, vivacity, and an engaging aptitude for self-mockery. In contrast, her letters to her 'master', the Belgian schoolteacher Constantin Heger, reveal her intense, obsessive longing for some response from him. Other letters are deeply moving, when Charlotte endures the agony of her brother's and sisters' untimely deaths. We learn also of the progress of her writing, including the astonishing success of Jane Eyre, and of her contacts with her publishers, including the young George Smith; and we recognize in her letters the life-experiences which are transmuted into the art of her novels. Contemporary society is brilliantly described in her letters from London, when she writes of her encounters with famous writers and with critics of her novels. We hear too of her visits to art galleries, operas, and the Great Exhibition of 1851 at the Crystal Palace.Dramatic letters written in December 1852 convey the 'turbulence of feeling' in the Haworth curate Arthur Nicholls's proposal of marriage to her and in Mr Bronte's violent reaction to it; and we subsequently hear of her secret correspondence with her suitor, her father's eventual consent, and her tragically brief happy marriage, cut short by her death in March 1855.

 Bol Com € 42,99

woensdag 12 mei 2010

Wedding of Charlotte Bronte. Mrs Gaskell: ""She looks like a snow-drop""

Ik heb het boek
Charlotte Bronte
van Rebecca Fraser
uit de bibliotheek gehaald
ik vond daar een paar foto's in
die ik niet eerder had gezien
zoals deze

""Charlotte was eenvoudig gekleed
in een witte mousselinen jurk
met fraai groen borduursel
een kanten mantel
en een wit kapje
afgezet met kant 
en een lichte band
bloemetjes en blaadjes""

Zo beschrijft Juliet Barker
in haar boek de Brontes
de trouwkleren van Charlotte
de foto toont aan hoe het eruit heeft gezien

In het boek van Juliette Barker
staat bij de noten

De trouwjurk van Charlotte werd bewaard door  mijnheer Nichols, die hem naliet aan zijn nicht, jufrouw Charlotte Bronte Nichols, met de instructie dat zij hem voor haar dood moest verbranden, zodat zij niet kon worden verkocht, maar Miss Nichols eigen nicht, Margaret Ross, zag de jurk en gaf er een beschrijving van, waardoor er een copie kon worden gemaakt, die in 1976 in het Parsonage Museum  werd tentoongesteld. De hoed en de mantel bevinden zich in het BPM.

Andere foto's uit dit boek
Sieraden en schoenen van Charlotte Bronte