zaterdag 24 december 2011

Reincarnation of Emily Bronte

Cailin McGlory from the weblog 
sent me an email. 
She told me about her weblog
 and wrote:
" I feel about Branwell the way your feel about the girls"
On this weblog 
you can read this story:

" There is a very strong likelihood that Jewelle St. James, a health-care worker from British Columbia, is the reincarnation of the nineteenth-century novelist Emily Brontë, author of Wuthering Heights. ""
and about the

donderdag 22 december 2011

The Bronte Sisters in winter walking over the moors

With a lot of thanks to Lynn Marie Cunliffe. She gave permission to use these photographs: See for more information on and

Christmas Customs in Bronte Country

Christmas with the Bronte Family, and a look at the festivities celebrated in Yorkshire in the 19th century. Christmas in the Bronte Household; vessel maids and spice cake and Christmas accounts from the Bronte novels - all these and more are described in The Brontes Christmas. No matter how sheltered from the 'excesses' of Christmas, the Bronte children must have heard the Waits. They were the official city watchmen whose job was to patrol the streets at night and keep the peace. However, as they invariably played musical instruments and/or sang, to show they were on duty, that peace cannot have been kept very quietly! At Christmas time, hey played and sang the familiar Christmas carols and songs, and were occasionally rewarded with a few coppers, a pie or a hot drink, it being the season of goodwill. Carols were also sung at the houses by the choirs of local churches.  Carols were also sung at the houses by the choirs of local churches. We've little information about the services held under the Revd Patrick Bronte, the father of the literary family.  The children, after the death of their mother, were cared for by their aunt Branwell, a strict Wesleyan. Maybe, just maybe, their father's little church sang out with Christmas hymns. christmasarchives/brontechristmas

A Bronte meets her sister’s ghost - Reviews - Halifax Courier

The play was acted out in the bleak location of Moor Lodge near Stanbury and iIn a strange twist, Ian Howard (Branwell) interrupts the performance to reveal his theory that the building where we sit was possibly the inspiration for Ferndean in Jane Eyre. Lynn Marie Cunliffe, who played Charlotte, exhibited her range of exquisite hand-made period gowns. Ten year-old Tom Howard played the flute. A Bronte meets her sister’s ghost - Reviews - Halifax Courier

woensdag 21 december 2011

Bronte Weather Project: Anne Bronte's letters

Bronte Weather Project: Anne Bronte's letters: "Charlotte is well, and mediates writing to you. Happily for all parties the east wind no longer prevails - during its continuance she co...

dinsdag 20 december 2011



On the Death of Emily Jane Brontë By Charlotte Brontë

163 years ago today Emily Brontë turned 'her dying eyes reluctantly from the pleasant sun'as Charlotte put it. 


"Dec. 21st, 1848.
"Emily suffers no more from pain or weakness now. She never will suffer more in this world. She is gone, after a hard short conflict. She died on Tuesday, the very day I wrote to you. I thought it very possible she might be with us still for weeks; and a few hours afterwards, she was in eternity. Yes; there is no Emily in time or on earth now. Yesterday we put her poor, wasted, mortal frame quietly under the church pavement. We are very calm at present. Why should we be otherwise? The anguish of seeing her suffer is over; the spectacle of the pains of death is gone by; the funeral day is past. We feel she is at peace. No need now to tremble for the hard frost and the keen wind. Emily does not feel them. She died in a time of promise. We saw her taken from life in its prime. But it is God's will, and the place where she is gone is better than that she has left.
My darling, thou wilt never know
The grinding agony of woe
   That we have borne for thee.
Thus may we consolation tear
E’en from the depth of our despair
   And wasting misery.

The nightly anguish thou art spared
When all the crushing truth is bared
   To the awakening mind,
When the galled heart is pierced with grief,
Till wildly it implores relief,
   But small relief can find.
Nor know’st thou what it is to lie
Looking forth with streaming eye
   On life’s lone wilderness.
‘Weary, weary, dark and drear,
How shall I the journey bear,
   The burden and distress?’
Then since thou art spared such pain
We will not wish thee here again;
   He that lives must mourn.
God help us through our misery
And give us rest and joy with thee
   When we reach our bourne!

Read also:

Top Withens

Why do the Bronte worshippers take that more-often-than-not-soggy trail up to Top Withens? It’s a question I’ve often asked myself as the place has no proven link with the family. Okay, maybe it was the inspiration behind Emily’s Wuthering Heights – we’ll never know for sure – but the old farmhouse, derelict since the 1930s, continues to attract thousands of visitors every year. A while back I overtook two inadequately dressed Japanese visitors as I walked over the moor. They asked me ‘How faah Top Rivvens?’. They were relieved and excited as I pointed to the blackened ruin on the hillside and I wondered how deflated they might be when they eventually got there. The tourism bodies are certainly never going to play down its importance and I see this week that Yorkshire Water, who own the land and property, have been repointing and blocking off more dangerous areas. The place can be atmospheric and the views are tremendous. You can feel the building bracing itself against the elements but most of all you can let your imagination run riot.

zondag 18 december 2011

Jane Eyre

Z letopisů Angrie - Charlotte Brontë
Včera v 22:51 | K. |  Brontë
Tak jsem po milińech letech zpět... :D
Dneska jsem byla v knihkupectví a, jen tak čistě ze zvyku, se šla podívat do části, kde jsou knížky od Brontëových a Jane Austenové. Když tu náhle, se vedle Villette objevila růžová knížečka. Nadšeně jsem po ní sáhla... Z letopisů Angrie - Charlotte Brontëové. Měla jsem ohromnou radost.
O říši Angrii začala psát Charlotte už jako malá. Vytvořila ho společně s bratrem Branwellem a dohromady ho neustále rozšiřovali o nové a nové příběhy.
Opravdu, nakladatelství Daranus mi dělá radost. Agnes Greyová, Profesor, Emma, Villette a teď tohle. Ještě by to chtělo nové vydání

Frederika Macdonald wanted to publish Charlotte’s ‘love letters’ to M. Heger

Read this very interesting article

Frederika Macdonald wanted to publish Charlotte’s ‘love letters’ to M. Heger in her forthcoming book, The Secret of Charlotte Brontë, about her adventures at the Pensionnat.