vrijdag 24 februari 2012


How did you got started in costume design?
 I used to do photography and I was keen on that, so I went to this theater and worked at the Old Vic in London.Then I did classes and went to college and I sort of started assisting designers. Eventually, I sort of thought I’d branch out and try to do it myself and become the head of the department. I started doing small films and then one meeting after another meeting, and I’m here.
What was the inspiration behind “Jane Eyre?”
The inspiration is her character, the challenge is making a woman from that time look stylish today, while still looking simple. She’s sort of a “thinking” Jane, so it was about looking and finding paintings of women in simple costumes at the time. And notes from Emily Dickinson, things like that. I just thought, "How would we make something exciting in all black?" So, instead of black, she could be in dark grey, and it could show more of the style, or detail. The original costumes were a great inspiration. I looked at them and was like, "Oh my God. How did they do it?" I was trying to recreate it really, without, you know, replicating.
Do you feel like it’s more challenging to work on a film where people have read the book and have an idea of how “Jane Eyre” should look?
I think it is, unless the script is designed to run away from the vision of the book. I think in this case, the original source of material is crucial, really, to what we were trying to do. So for me, although the characters are being described as sort of plain and simple, I didn't want to make them not plain and not simple. The character doesn’t have to be exact, but you don't want them to be unrecognizable. It's about achieving the spirit of the character, I think.
How do you bring a contemporary aesthetic to the period costumes?
It's challenging because people are looking at the actors, they know the actors and know that they are real people, so you can’t kind of over-encumber them with lots of fuss. The key is in the details, like Jane’s sleeves are probably tighter than they would have been, or adjusting the fabrics. It's not an exact replica of what Jane would have worn. If she had great big, puffy sleeves or something, I feel that would be inappropriate.
What was it like working with the stars, Mia Wasikowska, Michael Fassbender and Judi Dench, on the film?
Well, I don’t think many women want to wear a corset everyday of their lives, but that is what Mia had to do to get the right shape. I’m sure Michael doesn’t want to wear trousers cut quite so high with braces and skirted coat and scarves around his neck. And likewise, I don’t think Judi Dench really wants to be so buttoned up. I know with Judi, we could’ve gone further over-the-top with her, but I know that she wouldn’t have felt correct like that. So even though it was a dialogue with all of the actors about those things, but you know, really, Mia has to be congratulated because she tolerated all of it everyday, without a single complaint.
Were there any things you did to make the corsets more comfortable?
Not really. It’d be great if you could, but for them to do their work, it has to be constructed in a certain way. If they’re not, they won’t last half a day. It’d just be like a flannel or an old rag. And I know when Mia put it on, she was feeling - she was becoming Jane as it were, so it helps the character. It’s quite a relief to take it off, as I’m sure she’ll tell you. 
Do you feel that the costumes contribute to their character?
It takes time, they might have done something the week before where they’re sort of shot out in Los Angeles or something, in a t-shirt and jeans. So they come in, and they see this thing and they look and aren't totally comfortable. You know, I’m around these things a lot, so they’re familiar to me. But to them, it’s a bit tricky. But, slowly, I think that it’s good for them to meet the costumes designers, so they get a sense of where we’re going with it and they take the information, they use that and they come back to me with more information - what they feel about the character and then it’s like a journey together really.
What do you think about the other designers who are nominated?
I met Mark Bridges [who is nominated for "The Artist"] once in Los Angeles, he’s very pleasant. I met Arianne Phillips [who is nominated for "W.E."] many, many years ago. And I met Lisy Christl [of "Anonymous"] when I was doing “Jane Eyre," in London. I’ve known Sandy Powell [who is nominated for "Hugo") for a very long time. Definitely the longest. I love her work and all of it – I think this year, particularly, the people are really strong, amazing technical achievements.

'Emily Bronte portrait' goes for £4,600 at auction

Related Stories

A portrait believed to be of the author Emily Bronte was sold for £4,600 at a Northamptonshire auctioneers.
Portrait believed to be of Emily BronteThe 33cm by 24cm (13in x 9.5in) oil painting went under the hammer in Towcester on Thursday.
Auctioneer JP Humbert said it had attracted a moderate amount of interest after a previous sale of another painting.
The auction house sold that portrait of the reclusive writer for £23,836 in December.
This latest painting, which is annotated 'Emily Jane Bronte', was estimated to fetch between £5,000 and £8,000.
Auctioneer Jonathan Humbert said: "We have another Bronte painting which we will put up for auction in April and we are hoping to make it three out of three."
The Bronte family moved to Haworth, West Yorkshire, in 1820 where the Reverend Patrick Bronte was appointed Curate of Haworth.
They lived at the Haworth Parsonage from 1820 to 1861, which is now  the Bronte Parsonage Museum.
The painting was expected to fetch up to £8,000

woensdag 22 februari 2012

Haworth 1940 weekend A call to arms

Abigails Ateliers writes: 

Haworths residents and businesses are coming together to rescue Haworths 1940s weekend for the village and the many re enactors who find it a highlight of their year ,,Haworth  is famous nationally for the warm welcome extended to its visitors and has reputation for being the most welcoming of all 40s re enactments". 
Haworth has decided this year to donate the proceeds to help for Heros. The traders are asking anyone with suitable skills who is willing to donate their services to come forward, there is will free advertising for any local business in the Haworth 1940s newspaper distributed on the day. I have always been proud to live in Yorkshire and its people, they are welcoming and generous, innovative and determined and this united effort to boost the area and save an event dear to the hearts of many while benefiting our soldiers is one worthy of support. 
I am posting here in the hope that any blog watchers both private and amongst the media may be willing to give this event a mention on their blogs or in their papers. At a time when the area is under the National and international spotlight it would be nice for those who are profiting for stories about the area to give something back. Facebook/Haworth-1940s-Weekend

dinsdag 21 februari 2012

Abigails Ateliers gives her impression on the new Bronte Photograph.

Geri from the excellent Bronte Blog ""Kleurrijkbrontesisters blog""  is running an exciting  post on a possible new Bronte image.
I have been asked for my opinion.
I feel it would be wonderful for these sisters to be the Brontes, they look vibrant and despite the prim faces  somehow happy, they feel as though they are playing to the camera and having great fun.
I dont however think the costumes are correct for even Charlottes life time, the capes /mantles and the hair of the two seated ladies  seem ok  but the hair style and the  little hat on the central figure is very similare to many  from late 1850s and early 1860s  fashion plates and is unlikely to have been around earlier as hats slowly replaced bonnets in the later half of victorias reign.
Here is in addition as far as we  know no record of a similare  hat in the Parsonage costumes collection, there are several bonnets but the only hat is a pretty little straw one which looks later and which  I think belonged to Ellen Nusey. The hair style of the standing  lady also seemed  to be very like that of the ladies in the 1860s fashion plates especially the lady in green in the first of the 1860s plates. We  thought the styles of the seated ladies were  fairly close to early 1850s styles or very late 1840s styles  but  confess its an arkward era for  middle class hairstyles study  from primary sources  as usualy fashion plates show ladies either in bonnets, caps or full evening dress with flowers etc in their hair. I hope that this short post may have been useful,
Abigail Bell
Thank you so much Abigail. I am very happy with your comment. 
Please read more on Abigails AteliersHere you can see also interesting fashionpictures. 

Michael O'Connors designs:

KPCC recommends a visit to the FIDM Art of Motion Picture Costume Design exhibition to see Michael O'Connors designs:
‘Jane Eyre’ by Costume Designer by Michael O’Connor, 2012 Academy Award® Nominee for Best Costume Design. These costumes can be seen in the 20th Annual “Art of Motion Picture Costume Design” exhibition in the FIDM Museum & Galleries at FIDM/Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising, Los Angeles. (L to R): the costumes of Mia Wasikowska as Jane Eyre, Romy Settbon Moore as Adèle Varens, Mia Wasikowska as Jane Eyre, Michael Fassbender as Rochester, and Mia Wasikowska as Jane Eyre.(Alex J. Berliner/ABImages) Bronte blog

Housing plans row in Haworth

Plans to build 38 homes on a green field inHaworth will harm the character of the area and damage tourism, opponents say.
Keighley Area Planning Panel will decide tomorrow whether developer SkiptonProperties can build on land South of Lees Mill, Shuttle Fold.
The proposals, which are recommended for approval, include nine social rented properties.
Hebden Road resident David Thompson said: “The development would change the character of the area. There used to be a lot of fields around here but they are being built on and Haworth and Cross Roads are joining up in to one big suburb of Keighley.”
Bronte Parsonage Museum director Andrew McCarthy said he had concerns about the level of development in the village.
“We do have concerns regarding the erosion of the heritage character of the village,” he said. “As we know it is that character which brings a lot of people here, which obviously has an input in to the local economy.”
Haworth Parish Council chairman John Huxley said members recognised the need for housing but had some concern. He added: “The key economic driver in this area is the tourist trade.
“Every time somebody builds on somewhere it changes the way we look. This particular development moves Cross Roads closer to Haworth and takes away some of that distinction.”
He said the parish council was working on a neighbourhood development plan so it could have more say over which sites were developed in the future.
Other concerns about the plans include increased traffic, pressure on local services, including schools, an increased risk of flooding and the overshadowing of the former mill workers houses in Hebden Road, which overlook the site. the Telegraph and Argus

maandag 20 februari 2012

Great photo, but are these the Bronte Sisters?

The women on this photographe
 are making great impression on me 
These are three strong looking women
If these are the Bronte Sisters
I would like it very much
Much more then the ladies on the painting belowe

These pastel coloured ladies
are they able to write
stories like 
Wuthering Heights ans Jane Eyre?
The women on the top
  looks like they
have dare and they have power

But are these the Bronte sisters?
 What makes me doubt the most
is the hat of ""Emily"" 
These kind of hats
women were wearing in a later period

it is said Charlotte had a square face
This "Charlotte" doesn't
                                              I am not an expert on issues like 
                                                          fashion and photographe
                                                                             I will ask 


What are her ideas
She has a lot of knowledge
 about fashion of different periods.