zaterdag 14 april 2012

I received a reaction with this question: Why is it there is no mention of the movie circa 1949 entitled "Devotion"...about the Brontes?

My answer: I never heard of this movie before. So I was looking for information. It is nice to learn something new. Thank you for the question.

OnWikipedia/Devotion I read:

Devotion is a 1946 highly-fictionalized biographical film account of the lives
 of the Brontësisters starring Ida Lupino as Emily BrontëPaul Henreid
Olivia de Havilland as Charlotte Brontë, and Sydney Greenstreet as 
William Makepeace Thackeray. The movie featuresMontagu Love's last role;
 he died almost three years before the film's delayed release.
Devotion was filmed between November 11, 1942 and mid-February 1943, 
but was delayed to be screened until April 5, 1946 at the Strand Theater 
in Manhattan, due to a law suit by Olivia de Havilland against Warner Brothers
De Havilland successfully sued her studio to terminate her contract without 
providing the studio an extra six months to make up for her time on
 suspension. It proved a landmark case for the industry.[1]
In the review of ‘’Devotion’’ in the ‘’New York Times’’, Brosley Crowther 
wrote: “The Warners have simplified matters to an almost irreducible
 extreme and have found an explanation for the Brontës in 
Louisa May Alcott terms. They have visioned 
Reviews you can read here. you can see an original Trailer for the film DEVOTION [1943]

vrijdag 13 april 2012

What did Charlotte really write in her letter to Ellen?

While surving over internet I  found on rictornorton  ‘You tantalise me to death with talking of conversations by the fireside and between the blankets.  Elizabeth Gaskell does not talk about "between the blankets"  in "the life of Charlotte Bronte" and I don't read it in  on Gutenberg "Charlotte and her circle" 
I wonder: What did Charlotte really write in her letter to Ellen? Maybe a reader has the book of Margaret Smith with all Charlotte' s letters and can give me the answer? 

It is a commonplace for historians eager to dismiss the taint of homosexuality to point out that the sharing of beds was a very common practice until quite recent times ‘and no one ever thought anything of it’. Itis true that it was a very common practice, but it is also the case that people did think about it. Ellen Nussey and Charlotte Brontë always shared a bed at the vicarage at Haworth. Ellen tried to persuade Charlotte not to leave for Brussels to open a school, but to remain at home, and Charlotte replied on 20 January 1842: ‘You tantalise me to death with talking of conversations by the fireside and between the blankets.’ The words ‘and between the blankets’ were omitted from the official biography, by Elizabeth Gaskell who had become Charlotte’s friend only at the very end of her life. Since Mrs Gaskell (and Brontë’s husband) were sensitive to this issue in 1857, two years after Brontë’s death, it is clear that a queer view about sharing a bed was a contemporary possibility – not an anachronism of modern queer historians. rictornorton
January 20th, 1842. Dear Ellen,—I cannot quite enter into your friends’ reasons for not permitting you to come to Haworth; but as it is at present, and in all human probability will be for an indefinite time to come, impossible for me to get to Brookroyd, the balance of accounts is not so unequal as it might otherwise be.  We expect to leave England in less than three weeks, but we are not yet certain of the day, as it will depend upon the convenience of a French lady now in London, Madame Marzials, under whose escort we are to sail.  Our place of destination is changed.  Papa received an unfavourable account from Mr. or rather Mrs. Jenkins of the French schools in Brussels, and on further inquiry, an Institution in Lille, in the North of France, was recommended by Baptist Noel and other clergymen, and to that place it is decided that we are to go.  The terms are fifty pounds for each pupil for board and French alone.
‘I considered it kind in aunt to consent to an extra sum for a separate room.  We shall find it a great privilege in many ways.  I regret the change from Brussels to Lille on many accounts, chiefly that I shall not see Martha Taylor.  Mary has been indefatigably kind in providing me with information.  She has grudged no labour, and scarcely any expense, to that end.  Mary’s price is above rubies.  I have, in fact, two friends—you and her—staunch and true, in whose faith and sincerity I have as strong a belief as I have in the Bible.  I have bothered you both, you especially; but you always get the tongs and heap coals of fire upon my head.  I have had letters to write lately to Brussels, to Lille, and to London.  I have lots of chemises, night-gowns, pocket-handkerchiefs, and pockets to make, besides clothes to repair.  I have been, every week since I came home, expecting to see Branwell, and he has never been able to get over yet.  We fully expect him, however, next Saturday.  Under these circumstances how can I go visiting?  You tantalise me to death with talking of conversations by the fireside.  Depend upon it, we are not to have  any such for many a long month to come.  I get an interesting impression of old age upon my face, and when you see me next I shall certainly wear caps and spectacles.—Yours affectionately,
‘C. B.’ Gutenberg Charlotte and her circle

£2m price tag for hall with a link to Jane Eyre

A MEDIEVAL Peak District mansion, thought to have inspired the setting for Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, is on the market with a price tag of more than £2m.
Hathersage Hall – a ten-bedroom, grade II* listed home set in four acres of walled gardens – was once owned by William Eyre, of the local family whose name was given to Brontë’s best-known heroine.
The village is widely accepted to be the model for fictional Morton and the hall, along with nearby North Lees and Moorseats, would have influenced the young author’s descriptions following her three-week stay at Hathersage vicarage in 1845.

Read more:
Sheffield telegraph
In 1845, Charlotte Brontë stayed at the Hathersage vicarage, visiting her friend Ellen Nussey, whose brother was the vicar, while she was writing Jane Eyre. Many of the locations mentioned in her novel match locations in Hathersage, the name Eyre being that of a local gentry family. Her "Thornfield Hall" for example is widely accepted to be North Lees Hall situated on the outskirts of Hathersage. wiki/Hathersage

donderdag 12 april 2012

Wuthering Heights

In Andrea Arnold’s ruwe en eerlijke interpretatie van Brontë’s meesterwerk Wuthering Heights krijgt het liefdesverhaal tussen Heatcliff en Cathy een hele andere lading. Vanaf 12 april is de film bij ons in de zalen.
(Dutch)  romeo-oh-romeo-wherefore-art-thou-romeo

woensdag 11 april 2012

Haworth, April 12th, 1852.

A letter to her old Brussels schoolfellow gives a short retrospect of the dreary winter she had passed through.
"Haworth, April 12th, 1852.
". . . I struggled through the winter, and the early part of the spring, often with great difficulty. My friend stayed with me a few days in the early part of January; she could not be spared longer. I was better during her visit, but had a relapse soon after she left me, which reduced my strength very much. It cannot be denied that the solitude of my position fearfully aggravated its other evils. Some long stormy days and nights there were, when I felt such a craving for support and companionship as I cannot express. Sleepless, I lay awake night after night, weak and unable to occupy myself. I sat in my chair day after day, the saddest memories my only company. It was a time I shall never forget; but God sent it, and it must have been for the best.
"I am better now; and very grateful do I feel for the restoration of tolerable health; but, as if there was always to be some affliction, papa, who enjoyed wonderful health during the whole winter, is ailing with his spring attack of bronchitis. I earnestly trust it may pass over in the comparatively ameliorated form in which it has hitherto shown itself.
"Let me not forget to answer your question about the cataract. Tell your papa that my father was seventy at the time he underwent an operation; he was most reluctant to try the experiment; could not believe that, at his age, and with his want of robust strength, it would succeed. I was obliged to be very decided in the matter, and to act entirely on my own responsibility. Nearly six years have now elapsed since the cataract was extracted (it was not merely depressed); he has never once during that time regretted the step, and a day seldom passes that he does not express gratitude and pleasure at the restoration of that inestimable privilege of vision whose loss he once knew."

Thornton Moor

Interest in the Bronte Society's opposition to the proposed Thornton Moor wind mast escalated last week with extensive coverage in three national newspapers on Friday (The IndependentThe Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail) and coverage in many local papers both nationwide and overseas. 
Today has seen a consolidation of this interest with the BBC recording at the Parsonage ready to broadcast from there tomorrow morning (BBC Breakfast). Parsonage Director Andrew McCarthy was interviewed by Radio Leeds today. 

ITV's Calendar News asked for an update and have said they will be monitoring the decision and the Society's response to that decision. A large number of Society members and non members have emailed offers of support.
The decision about the mast will be made by Bradford councillors on Wednesday 11th.  There have been over one hundred public objections and the community of Denholme Gate has submitted a petition.
Thornton Moor, an inspiration for all three Brontë Sisters and a huge influence on their writing, could be home to four turbines, each more than one hundred metres in height, within a year, if the "first stage' data-gathering mast is allowed to be installed. This is the plan of Banks Renewables, the company behind the scheme. Bronte parsonage

maandag 9 april 2012

When Charlotte died, her biographer, Elizabeth Gaskell, portrayed Charlotte in the same light. So, despite the fact that both sisters had studied abroad in Brussels, where Charlotte developed a crush on Constantin Heger, her mentor and a married man, and later wrote impassioned letters to him, the sisters were seen as inspired but unlettered innocents. Arlindo-correia
The Life of Charlotte Bronte is the posthumous biography of Charlotte Brontë by fellow novelist Elizabeth Gaskell. Although quite frank in places, Gaskell suppressed details of Charlotte's love for Constantin Heger, a married man, on the grounds that it would be too great an affront to contemporary morals and a possible source of distress to Charlotte's still-living friends, father and husband.The first edition was published in 1857 by Smith, Elder & Co.. A major source was the hundreds of letters sent by Brontë to her lifelong friend Ellen Nussey.-- Excerpted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.more... elizabeth
On the bicentenary of Gaskell’s birth, editor of the Oxford Classics edition of the Life, Professor Angus Easson spoke to the Brussels Brontë Group about the role of the Group’s home town in Gaskell’s research, and the problems caused by reporting on the Brussels years. 

Having accepted the invitation from Patrick Brontë to write the life of his daughter Gaskell was keen to bring the same “charm of locality and sense of detail” to the Life that had already characterised her novels Mary BartonCranford and North & South. She quickly realised that a visit to Brussels was needed. Like Professor Easson himself, she visited the cathedral, Royal Park and Belliard steps that feature in the novel, as well as many key Villette locations since destroyed.

Gaskell’s investigations were however made more delicate by the fact that when Villette was translated into French, the fictitious city name was changed to ‘Bruxelles’. Individuals portrayed in the novel were thus left with even less to mask their identity and felt understandably wary of welcoming a second English novelist into their homes. 

Undaunted, French-speaking Gaskell made contact with locals including the widow of the former English chaplain and the Brussels chief of police. Although failing to win an audience with Madame Heger (the inspiration for the almost certainly slanderous character of Madame Beck), Gaskell was able to meet with Charlotte’s beloved Monsieur Heger (Monsieur Paul). 

Her careful investigations were not however enough to stop debate around the accuracy of the final book: a debate which continues today. brussels bronte


I wonder what Elisabeth thought and felt after she found out about the feelings from Charlotte Bronte for Constantin Heger.

Charlotte Bronte passed away in 1855, a celebrated author just 38 years old. Her friend and fellow author Elizabeth Gaskell published a biography, The Life of Charlotte Brontë, in 1857. Gaskell interviewed Constantin Héger for the book but decided not to write about Charlotte’s inappropriate feelings for a married man.
I wonder what Elisabeth thought and felt after she found out about the feelings from Charlotte Bronte for Constantin Heger. She wanted to write a biography for her friend and found out about something only a few people knew. Emily knew it, maybe Ellen Nussey knew it. But the rest of the world did'nt. Must she be the own to publish? 
I wonder, did Elizabeth ask for advice? I am searching for some answers. Maybe you have an idea? Please, let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
It would take over half a century for the truth to come out. In 1913, Constantin and Claire’s son Paul Héger donated Charlotte’s letters to the British Museum and allowed them to be published in the Times. Belgian coal magnate and art collector Raoul Warocqué read the letters in the paper and coveted them. He wrote to Paul asking if there were any more extant Brontë letters that he could buy. There were not, but Paul had another Brontë memento he was willing to part with: Charlotte’s handwritten manuscript of L’Ingratitude.
Warocqué’s collections are now in the Musée Royal de Mariemont. Brontë scholar Brian Bracken was looking through the Musée Royal’s catalog looking for information on Vital Héger, Constantin’s brother, when he found a reference to a manuscript by Charlotte Brontë. It wasL’Ingratitude, forgotten since 1914.