vrijdag 21 maart 2014

The Salutation pub

Picture source
The Manchester Evening News reports that Manchester Metropolitan University will give £235,000 towards restoring The Salutation pub, built in the 1840s. As the article says, The building also bears a plaque marking the site nearby where Charlotte Bronte began to write Jane Eyre on a visit in 1846. (Yakub Qureshi)
This Wikimedia article goes a bit further into it: The blue plaque on the side of this rather nice looking pub says:
Charlotte Bronte (1816 - 1855). In 1846 The Revd. Patrick Bronte came to Manchester for a cataract operation accompanied by his daughter Charlotte. They took lodgings at 59 Boundary Street West (formerly known as 83 Mount Pleasant). It was here that Charlotte began to write her first successful novel Jane Eyre.
So, ambiguous info from Manchester's Blue Plaque people (who are presumably bigging up Manchester's tourist opportunities), but clearly it wasn't this building, which I'd say dates from the 1880s?
The problem is that the plaque was first placed on a building in Boundary Lane some distance to the west. When this building was demolished for redevelopment the plaque was saved. The Brontes were lodging at 83 Mount Pleasant and the eye hospital was then in South Parade, Manchester (until 1867)
The building, as per the Manchester Evening News article, however, does date from the 1840s, not the 1880s. bronteblog


Did you know?

When Patrick Brontë went to Manchester on 19th August 1846 for his cataract operation, he wrote:

“I was bled with 8 leeches, at one time, & 6, on another, (these caused but little pain) in order to prevent, inflammation”.

He also added a note in the margin saying, “Leeches must be put on the TEMPLES and not on the eyelids”!!

dinsdag 18 maart 2014


On 15 February, for our first event of the year we were pleased to welcome Eric Ruijssenaars, who gave us a fascinating slide show of pictures relating to the research he did for his two books, Charlotte Brontë’s Promised Land: The Pensionnat Heger and other Brontë places in Brussels (2000) and The Pensionnat Revisited; More light shed on the Brussels of the Brontës (2003). Eric guided us on a virtual walk of the area round the Pensionnat. Many of those present have already been on one of our actual guided walks and this presentation provided an opportunity to gain a fuller picture of the area and its history. Eric, who lives in Leiden and has been researching the subject for the last twenty-five years, is always delighted to return to Brussels and his old Brontë haunts here.

It is 25 years ago that I started doing research on the Brussels of the Brontës, aiming to recreate the Isabella quarter for her, the lady who had introduced me to Villette. Over the next decades I looked at every book and picture I could get hold of, in archives and libraries, to try to understand what the old quarter had looked like in the days of the Brontës. In 1990 I visited Brussels and the quarter for the first time, with Elle. I remember the excitement of standing on the Belliard Steps, though obviously having no real idea of the world ‘down these Steps’, and what it would all bring. Most recently, my talk for the BBG.

Of invaluable importance was and is the iconic Tahon photo of the quarter, supposedly dating from 1909. For many years it hung on the wall at my desk. The crucial breakthrough came in 2003, when I took the picture to a photography professor of Leiden University. She said it must be an 1850s photograph. It’s possibly the highlight of these 25 years. Finally we fully understood the quarter. By implication it shows us the quarter as it was in 1843.

With all we had gathered then, it had become possible to do a sort of virtual walk through the old quarter, in the mind. Just as I can easily imagine walking in, for instance the quarter as it is now. I hope that those who joined my walk can agree.

One of my last and nicest discoveries was the following picture:

Hotel Ravenstein, circa 1920

It’s a picture of the area where the Terarckenstraat now ends (with Hotel Ravenstein on the right). This time though we only need to climb over the gate to continue our walk, ‘through the mist of time’ (unfortunately I forgot to say that at my talk). At the same time it’s also a sad reminder of the very charming quarter that not long before had been demolished.

Eric Ruijssenaars
On Google Earth

Patrick Bronte's magnifying glass

Patrick Bronte's magnifying glass he used when reading as his eyesight deteriorated with age.

A search on th internet. The connections between the Brontes and Saltaire.

On Facebook I found this information. facebook.com/pages/Bronte-Parsonage-Museum
Visit Saltaire World Heritage Site and explore the Bronte connection with Saltaire owner, James Roberts. It made me curious. I wanted to know more about the connection between the Brontes and Saltaire. I found this:

Martha Brown started as a servant to the Bronte family as an eleven year old in 1839 and remained with the family until 1862.  In 1868 she came to stay with her sister Anne Binns in Saltaire where she stopped for 9 years.  Does anyone know where Anne Binns lived.

16/17 Victoria Road.

Martha took on domestic work in the village, including a stint with Dr Amos Ingham (lately the Brontë family physician) at the Manor House in Cookgate. Martha's mother died in 1866, and in 1868 Martha, who increasingly by then was in poor health, went to live with her sister Ann Binns and her family at Saltaire. She stayed there for nine years, until domestic tensions between her sister and her husband Ben became intolerable for her, and she returned to Haworth

Helen's  Bronte walks are unique in that they focus on Charlotte, Emily and Anne’s fictional and poetic writing. On these Bronte Country walks you will hear the extracts from their novels and some of their poetry as you discover more about the people and places that inspired them to write their famous novels:helensheritagewalks

An interesting sale of Bronte relies has just taken place at Saltaire, in the course of the disposal of the effects of the late Mr. Benjamin Binns, tailor, of Saltaire, into whose possession they had come through his wife, the sister of that Martha Brown who was such a faithful domestic of the Brontes, and to whom they had been committed by the Rev. P. Bronte as mementoes of his famous daughter.

Bronte relies
77 Housewife used by Charlotte Bronte, afterwards given to Martha Brown
24 Deed of Gift from Eev. P. Bronte to Martha Brown of some of the drawings in this collection
43 Charlotte Bronte's portfolio, which formerly contained the drawings given to Martha Brown
46 Fourth portion of a Shawl worn by C. Bronte, given to Martha Brown
56 A copy of " Jane Eyre," given to Martha Brown by Charlotte
76 Snuff Box used by the Rev. P. Bronte, from Binns' sale, Saltaire
80 Lock of Charlotte Bronte's Hair, taken after death by Mr. Nicholls and given to Martha Brown
