woensdag 13 augustus 2014

Joseph and Elizabeth Carne (contemporary and second cousin of the Bronte sisters)

The generally accepted story in Cornwall is that this large and important collection of some 9000 Cornish minerals made by Joseph Carne (1782-1858) and his daughter Elizabeth, who was also a keen collector, had been given to the Sedgwick Museum by Elizabeth Carne. The donation was thought to have taken place, after her offer to give the collection to the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall had been ‘spurned’ by the Society. The Dictionary of National Biography entry on Elizabeth Carne just says that the collection ‘went to the Sedgwick Museum’. The link with the famous Bronte siblings (Maria, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Emily, Anne and Branwell), is that Elizabeth Carne (1817-1873) was their contemporary and second cousin.

Joseph Carne, eldest son of a Cornish banker, was a self-taught geologist and mineralogist who made detailed investigations of the rocks and minerals of Cornwall and was appointed manager of the Cornish Copper Company’s works at Hayle in 1807. Although the Wikipedia entry on Carne claims that his published works prompted the eminent German geologist Abraham Gottlieb Werner (1749-1817) to travel to Cornwall, I can find no reference which backs up this claim. On the contrary, it is generally stated that Werner never traveled beyond his native Saxony.
During his professional life Carne amassed a unique collection of Cornish minerals, especially rare ore minerals. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1818, was an honorary member of the Cambridge Philosophical Society and an active member of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, which is the second oldest geological society in the world and the only one to have royal patronage. In 1820 Carne became a partner in the family bank of Batten, Carne & Carne. Upon his death in 1858, the eighth of his nine children, Elizabeth inherited £20,000, his mineral collection, the family house and his partnership in the bank. She also took her geology and natural history seriously, visiting Europe and authored books and published papers for the Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall and the London Quarterly Review.camunivmuseums

Elizabeth Carne made a number of visits to places in Europe, including Pau (described in her book, Three Months Rest at Pau in the Winter and Spring of 1859) and Menton, where she examined parts of the geology of the French Alps, later described in her paper ‘Enquiry into the age of that part of the district of the Maritime Alps which surrounds Mentone’, Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall 7 (1865) 433–41. She also wrote three more papers for the society, published in its Transactions: two continued her father’s work on granites and raised beaches, and a third was on the metamorphic rocks of Cornwall. She was also the author of a number of books and many papers for the London Quarterly Review (some under the pseudonym John Altrayd Wittitterly). She died at 6 Coulson’s Terrace, Penzance, of typhoid fever, on 7 September 1873, and was buried on 12 September at Phillack churchyard.  elizabeth-carne

Family Branwell

Maria Branwell, who, at Guiseley, on December 29th, 1812, became the wife of the Reverend Patrick Brontë, was the daughter of Thomas Branwell and Ann Carne, his wife, both natives of Penance.

The Branwells resided in that neighbourhood for two centuries before Thomas Branwell's day, and their name, under the various guises of Bramwell, Bramble and Bromwell, is to be found in the registers of the parishes adjoining Penzance.  The earliest mention of this name that I can trace in Cornwall occurs in the Parish of Sancreed in 1605. A former incumbent of the adjoining parish of Paul, John Trernearne, saw his church in the hands of the Spaniards in 1595, when four of their warships made a raid on the Cornish coast. From him was descended Jane Tremearne, who, on July 2nd, 1705, married Martyn Bremble, presumably the son of John Bromwell, whose marriage to Constance is recorded on March 13th, 1657-8, at Madron. Martyn Branwell's will, dated April 22nd, 1719, and proved July 29th, 1719, exists at the Probate Registry at Bodmin. He is described as of Penzance, and a butcher by trade; and he mentions his sons, Martyn, Richard, and Joseph, and three daughters, Maudlyn, Margery, and Alice. To his wife, Jane he bequeathed the fee simple of the house and gardens, etc., wherein he dwelt, and also another house. From the terms of his will it is evident that Richard, Joseph, Margery, and Alice were minors. Of these children, Richard, baptised at Madron Church (the mother church of Penzance), on February 26th, 1711, is of greater importance in our special quest than the others. He married in 1742, at the same church, Margaret John, daughter of Thomas John, blacksmith of Penzance, and by her was the father of four sons and four daughters. Of these sons, two, named Martin, died young; the other two were Richard, the eldest child, from whom descended the Branwells resident at Penzance today, and Thomas, the father of Maria Brontë.  Of the four daughters, Margaret, the eldest, married Joseph Coren in 1772, and by him had a son, also named Joseph, described as a scrivener in his grandfather's will, dated February 9th, 1792. The next daughter, Elizabeth, married John Keam, who is described as a shop-keeper. In The Wesleyan Magazine for 1826 (page 68), there is an obituary notice of this worthy by the Rev. Wm. Pennington Burgess. Therein it is stated that he died in the sixty-eighth year of his age, and that for thirty-six years, "he had been a steady and upright member of the Methodist Society, and was generally respected and esteemed." Alice, the younger daughter, married John Williams, gentleman, of Redruth. I have not been able to ascertain anything concerning the descendants of these three daughters, Mrs. Keam, Mrs. Coren, and Mrs. Williams.  With Jane, the third daughter of Richard Branwell and Margaret John, the case is different. She married, at Madron in December, 1790, John Fennell, a schoolmaster, some nine years younger than herself. When, in the early part of 1812, Mr. Fennell was appointed to the headmastership of the residential school for the children of Wesleyans at Woodhouse Grove, at its inauguration, Mrs. Fennell became the matron of the establishment. She died at Crosstones Vicarage, near Todmorden, well past the Psalmist's span of life. On the tombstone in the churchyard, besides the date of her death on May 26th, 1829, are the following lines, a loving tribute from her husband:

Farewell, blest saint, thou dear and faithful friend,
Beloved in life, lamented in thine end,
Instructed long in sharp affliction's school
To make submission to thy lord thy rule,
To find, when every hope of life was past,
Thy blest, thy choicest comforts, were thy last.
Thou now eternally with him shall dwell,
Blest saint, thou dear and faithful friend, farewell.
John Fennell was the son of Thomas Fennell and Mary, his wife, of Madeley in Shropshire, and was born in 1762. In 1801, there appeared in The Wesleyan Methodist Magazine two short letters from his pen. In one he discusses the character of the Rev. John Fletcher, of Madeley, and appends a letter received by him from that saintly man. One gathers from it that Fennell was a godson of Mr. Fletcher, who was an intimate friend of John Wesley. The second communication is an account of the death of Susanna Taylor, of Penzance, on January 10th, 1801. The death of this young lady of only 19 summers is affectingly described, and the lessons derivable from her good life are laid down for those who desired a pattern of piety.  From these it is evident that Mr. Fennell was a class-leader amongst the Wesleyans of Penzance. In 1796, and in later years, he contributed replies to Mathematical questions in The Ladies' Diary. He was never a fully fledged Methodist Minister, though in The Dictionary of National Biography, he is described as such. It was his head-ship of Woodhouse Grove School - a post, since his time, held chiefly by Wesleyan Ministers - which has led to the false conception that he was an itinerant Minister among the Methodists. He was at Woodhouse only some ten or eleven months, but in that short period he was the means of bringing together the two people who were afterwards to become the parents of the gifted Brontë sisters.  The story of the meeting of the Irish Curate and the little Cornish lady has been told many times over since Mrs. Gaskell, in her classic, related it for the first time. It would seem that Mrs. Fennell needed help in the needlework department of the establishment, and, as Miss Maria Branwell was an expert at sewing, and was on the lookout for some method of supplementing her little fortune, she accepted the proffered post, and after a tedious journey north, was duly installed. Shortly after Mr. Fennell left Woodhouse Grove, he took Holy Orders, and for some time served as a Curate to the Rev. John Crosse, the blind and pious Vicar of Bradford. We first find Fennell's signature as Curate in the Bradford Parish Registers on October 15th, 1815, the very day that Christ Church was consecrated, and to which his predecessor and son-in-law, William Morgan, had been appointed as incumbent. His last signature appears on April 13th, 1817.  A great friendship, based on their mutual belief in Evangelical theology, existed between Vicar Crosse and John Fennell. When the Vicar died, Fennell came over from Crosstones, and preached the funeral sermon, which was afterwards printed. Thanks to Mr. Crosse, who had previously held that incumbency, Mr. Fennell was appointed to Crosstones, near Todmorden, and continued Vicar of that remote and upland hamlet until his death in October 1847 (amended to 1841) at the age of 79. By his first wife, of whom we have spoken, he had but one child, Jane Branwell Fennell, who was baptised (amended to born) at Madron on October 9th, 1791.  As is well known, she was married at Guiseley to the Rev. William Morgan by the Rev. Patrick Brontë, and on the same occasion her husband performed the marriage ceremony for Brontë and his wife, who, of course, was Jane Fennell's cousin. On the very same day, in the far distant church of Madron, Maria Branwell's youngest sister, Charlotte, was married to Joseph Branwell, her own cousin, and, consequently, cousin also to both ladies of the Guiseley marriages. Of William Morgan Vicar of Christ Church, Bradford, much has been written in scattered form, but we yet await the full story of the useful life of this strenuous worker in the cause of religion and temperance. He was of a choleric and irascible temperament, and it was reported of him that on one occasion he sent his cook to jail for making thin sauce!  The Church of Madeley, near Wellington in Shropshire, where Fletcher ministered, should be added to the list of places of Brontëan interest. Fletcher, too, was a friend of John Crosse. Morgan had been a curate at Wellington, and, somewhat later, Patrick Brontë had also held the same office. When Fennell, the god-son of Fletcher, came to live near Bradford, what was more natural than the development of friendships with Crosse, with Morgan, and, through the latter, with Patrick Brontë? The links in the chain of causation of an important marriage are here revealed, and the influence of John Wesley on the Brontë sisters, their lives, and their writings is not so remote as might be imagined.

RICHARD BRANWELL (1711-1792) was baptized at Madron on 26 February 1711. He married around 1742. He married Margaret John at Madron in 1742. "He with his partner Mr Hambleton were the premier builders of Penzance, and built the Assembly Room in the Union Hotel (first assembly 1791), where the gentry (à la Poldark) met monthly to hold their balls. He also built 25 Chapel Street, and put in the Georgian staircase at Godolphin Manor. His work on the quay, however, was washed away, and he was criticized on this account." (correspondence with Lilian Oldham). Richard's will is dated 9 February 1792. He was buried eight days later, in Penzance. Richard and Margaret had eight children:
1 RICHARD BRANWELL (1744-1812), baptized at Madron on 9 July 1744. He married Honour Matthews. He became an innkeeper. He died in Newquay after a lingering illness. His descendants, who continued to live in Penzance, were:
1.1 RICHARD BRANWELL (1772-1815) 1.2 HONOR BRANWELL (1773-before 1776) 1.3 ROBERT MATTHEWS BRANWELL (1775-1813) 1.4 HONOR BRANWELL (1777-??) 1.5 THOMAS BRANWELL (1778-1811) 1.6 THOMASINE MATTHEWS BRANWELL (1779?-1853) 1.7 MARGARET BRANWELL (1782-1816) 1.8 JULIA BRANWELL (1784-1829) 1.9 ELIZA BRANWELL (1786-1835) 1.10 JOSEPH BRANWELL (1789-1857)
2 THOMAS BRANWELL (1746-1808), baptized at Madron in 1746. He married Ann Carne on 28 November 1768. He died on 5 April 1808. They had eleven children, including:
2.8 MARIA BRANWELL (1783-1821), born on 15 April 1783 and baptized at Madron on 29 June 1788. She was a seamstress, and travelled north to work for John Fennell. On 29 November 1812, she married the Reverend Patrick Brontë at Guiseley. He was some six years older than her. She died on 15 September 1821. Patrick lived on, and died on 7 June 1861. The Brontës, with the exception of Anne, are all buried in the family crypt at Haworth, Yorkshire. They had six children:
2.8.1 MARIA BRONTË (1814-1825), who died, aged 11, on 6 May 1825. 2.8.2 ELIZABETH BRONTË (1815-1825), born on 8 February 1815. She died on 15 June 1825. 2.8.3 CHARLOTTE BRONTË (1816-1855), born at Thornton on 21 April 1816 and baptized on the 29th. She married the Reverend Arthur Bell Nicholls on 29 June 1854. She died during pregnancy on 31 March 1855. Arthur survived, and died on 2 December 1906. 2.8.4 PATRICK BRANWELL BRONTË (1817-1848), born on 26 June 1817. He died on 24 September 1848. 2.8.5 EMILY JANE BRONTË (1818-1848), born on 30 July 1818. She died on 19 December 1848. 2.8.6 ANNE BRONTË (1820-1849), born on 17 January 1820. She died in Scarborough on 28 May 1849.
3 MARGARET BRANWELL (1748-1773), baptized at Madron on 5 December 1748. She married Joseph Corin on 20 April 1772. She died shortly after the birth of their first child, and was buried at Madron on 15 February 1773. 4 ELIZABETH BRANWELL (1750-??), baptized at Madron on 30 June 1750. She married John Keam, a Methodist and a shopkeeper, some nine years younger than herself. 5 MARTIN BRANWELL (1752-1755), baptized at Madron on 18 June 1752. He also died in infancy. 6 JANE BRANWELL (1753-1829), baptized at Madron on 3 December 1853. She married John Fennell at Madron in 1790. He too was some nine years younger than his wife. He was from Madeley, in Shropshire, and came to Penzance to teach. He was a Methodist class-leader, but later became vicar of Crosstones, near Todmorden. Jane died at Crosstones on 26 May 1829. She and John had a daughter:
6.1 JANE BRANWELL FENNELL (1791-1827), born at Madron on 9 October 1791. She married the Reverend William Morgan at Guiseley on 29 November 1812 in a double wedding with her cousin, Maria Branwell. She died at on 24 September 1827, and was buried at Cross-stones three days later.
7 ALICE BRANWELL (1756-??), baptized at Madron on 3 July 1756. She married John Williams, gentleman of Redruth. 8 MARTIN BRANWELL (1761-1761), baptized privately at Madron on 29 June 1761, who also died in infancy. hector.davie/Branwell


dinsdag 12 augustus 2014

Branwell Family

pictureAlice BRANWELL  
          Birth: 1780 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 5 Dec 1780 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
          Death: Oct 1781 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
         Burial: 25 Oct 1781 - Madron, Cornwall, England
Father: Thomas BRANWELL {3309} (Abt 1746-1808) Mother: Ann CARNE {3310} (Abt 1744-1809)
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Name: Alice BRAMWELL
Sex: dau
Father Forename: Thomas
Notes: At Penzance.

BURIAL: Date: 25-Oct 1781
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Name: Alice BRAMWELL


Amelia Josepha BRANWELL 
Individual Information
          Birth: 1820 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 1 Jan 1821 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
          Death: Jan 1892 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
         Burial: 16 Jan 1892 - Penzance St Mary, Cornwall, England
Father: Benjamin Carne BRANWELL JP {3318} (1775-1818) Mother: Mary BATTEN {4623} (1777-1851)

Parish Or Reg District: Madron, Penzance Chapelry
Name: Amelia Josephine BRANWELL
Sex: dau
Father Forename: Benjamin Carne
Mother Forename: Mary
Residence: Penzance
Father Rank Profession: gentleman

DEATH: Death is recorded in the GRO indexes for the Penzance Registration District in the March quarter of 1892 under reference 5c 205. She is recorded as Amelia Josepha Branwell aged 76.

BURIAL: Date: 16-Jan 1892
Parish Or Reg District: Penzance, St. Mary (Madron Chapelry)
Name: Amelia Josepha BRANWELL
Age: 76
Residence: Under Chapel Yard
Notes: C.

Individual Information
          Birth: 1769 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 19 Apr 1769 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
          Death: May 1792 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
         Burial: 11 May 1792 - Madron, Cornwall, England
Father: Thomas BRANWELL {3309} (Abt 1746-1808) Mother: Ann CARNE {3310} (Abt 1744-1809)
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Sex: dau
Father Forename: Thomas

Notes: Priv baptism.

MARRIAGE: Died unmarried.

BURIAL: Burial recorded in Madron Burial Registers:
Date: 11-May 1792
Parish Or Reg District: Madron

Benjamin Carne BRANWELL JP     
Individual Information
          Birth: 1775 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 25 Mar 1775 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
          Death: Jul 1818 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
         Burial: 27 Jul 1818 - Penzance, Cornwall, England

Father: Thomas BRANWELL {3309} (Abt 1746-1808) Mother: Ann CARNE {3310} (Abt 1744-1809)
Spouses and Children
1. *Mary BATTEN {4623} (1777 - Dec 1851) Marriage: 25 Jan 1799 - Madron, Cornwall, England Mar. User ID: 1435 Children: 1. Thomas BRANWELL {8634} (1801-1805) 2. Mary Batten BRANWELL {8633} (1803-      ) 3. Emma BRANWELL {9879} (1804-      ) 4. Benjamin Batten BRANWELL {8632} (1806-1893) 5. John Batten BRANWELL {9880} (1814-      ) 6. Amelia Josepha BRANWELL {9878} (1820-1892)

 GENERAL NOTES: Justice of the Peace. Became Mayor of Penzance.
BAPTISM: Date: 25-Mar 1775
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Name: Benjamin Carne BRANWELL
Sex: son
Father Forename: Thomas
Mother Forename:
Father Rank Profession:
Notes: At Penzance.
 MARRIAGE: Date: 25-Jan 1799
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Groom Name: Benjamin Carne BRANWELL
Groom Residence: Town of Penzance
Groom Rank Profession: Gent.
Groom Signed / Marked (S/M): Signed
Groom Father Rank Profession:
Bride Name: Mary BATTEN
Bride Residence: Town of Penzance
Bride Condition: spinster
Bride Signed / Marked (S/M): Signed
Witness 1: J BATTEN
Witness 2: Elizabeth BRANWELL
Other Information: Licence dated January the 24th 1799.
Catherine BRANWELL       Spouses and Children
1. *John EDMUNDS {1863}
   Mar. User ID: 776

Charles Henry BRANWELL Individual Information
          Birth: 16 Feb 1830 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 13 May 1830 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
 Cause of Death: 
        User ID: 8631
           AFN : 
         Father: Joseph BRANWELL {1580} (1789-1857) Mother: Charlotte BRANWELL {3316} (1789-1848)

GENERAL NOTES: BAPTISM: Baptism Circuit: Madron &c W-M Circuit
Name: Charles Henry BRANWELL
Sex: son
Father Forename: Joseph
Mother Forename: Charlotte
Residence: Penzance Parish Or Reg District
Father Rank Profession: Schoolmaster
ate: 13-May 1830 
Charlotte BRANWELL       Individual Information
          Birth: 1789 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 10 Nov 1789 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
          Death: Jun 1848 - Launceston, Cornwall, England
         Burial: Jun 1848
 Cause of Death: 
        User ID: 3316
           AFN : 

Father: Thomas BRANWELL {3309} (Abt 1746-1808) Mother: Ann CARNE {3310} (Abt 1744-1809)

Spouses and Children

1. *Joseph BRANWELL {1580} (1789 - 7 Apr 1857)
       Marriage: 29 Dec 1812 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
   Mar. User ID: 1228
                1. Joseph BRANWELL {8624} (1813-1819)
                2. Richard BRANWELL {8628} (1815-      )
                3. Thomas Bronte BRANWELL {8625} (1817-      )
                4. Maria BRANWELL {8629} (1820-      )
                5. William BRANWELL {8627} (1823-      )
                6. Charlotte BRANWELL {8630} (1825-      )
                7. George Taylor BRANWELL {9881} (1827-      )
                8. Charles Henry BRANWELL {8631} (1830-      )
                9. Eliza Anne BRANWELL {10744} (1831-      )
                10. John Bedford BRANWELL {10745} (1833-      )

General: GENERAL NOTES: BAPTISM: Date: 10-Nov 1789
Parish Or Reg District: Penzance
Name: Charlotte BRAMWELL
Sex: d/o
Father Forename: Thomas
Father Rank Profession:
MARRIAGE: Date: 29-Dec 1812
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Groom Name: Joseph BRANWELL
Groom Residence: Parish of Gulval
Groom Condition: bachelor
Groom Rank Profession:
Groom Signed / Marked (S/M): Signed
Groom Father Rank Profession;
Bride Name: Charlotte BRANWELL
Bride Residence; Parish of Madron
Bride Condition: spinster
Bride Signed / Marked (S/M); Signed
Witness 1: Robr. W BRANWELL
Witness 2; Richd BRANWELL
Other Information: Other Witnesses: Elizth Branwell, Grace Thomas, Tob. Read. Licence dated the eleventh day of Decr. 1812.
DEATH: Death is recorded in the GRO indexes for the Launceston Registration District in the June quarter of 1848 under reference 9.89.
BURIAL: Date: 05-Apr 1848
Parish Or Reg District: Launceston, St. Mary Magdalene
Name: Charlotte BRANWELL
Age: 58
Residence: Tamar Terrace
Transcriber Ntes: N means New Burial Ground. 

Charlotte BRANWELL      
Individual Information
          Birth: 23 Feb 1825 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 26 Jul 1827 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
Father: Joseph BRANWELL {1580} (1789-1857) Mother: Charlotte BRANWELL {3316} (1789-1848)
GENERAL NOTES: BAPTISM: Baptism Circuit: Penzance, Wesleyan Circuit
Name: Charlotte BRANWELL
Father Forename: Joseph
Mother Forename: Charlotte
Residence: Penzance Parish Or Reg District
Father Rank Profession: School Master
Date: 26-Jul 1827
Age: born 23 Feb 1825


Eliza BRANWELL      
Individual Information
          Birth: 1786 - Madron, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 5 Jun 1786 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
          Death: 13 Aug 1835 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
         Burial: 16 Aug 1835 - Penzance St Mary, Cornwall, England
Father: Richard BRANWELL {234} (1744-1812) Mother: Honour MATTHEWS {235} (1745-1811)
General:  GENERAL NOTES: BAPTISM: Date: 05-Jun 1786
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Name: Eliza BRAMWELL
Sex: d/o
Father Forename: Richard
BURIAL: Buried in St Mary's Churchyard, Penzance. Age recorded as 49.
Date: 16-Aug 1835
Parish Or Reg District: Penzance, St. Mary (Madron Chapelry)
Name: Eliza BRANWELL
Age: 49
Residence: Penzance


Eliza Anne BRANWELL       Individual Information
          Birth: 3 Aug 1831 - Launceston, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 21 Feb 1832 - Launceston, Cornwall, England
Father: Joseph BRANWELL {1580} (1789-1857) Mother: Charlotte BRANWELL {3316} (1789-1848)

GENERAL NOTES: BAPTISM: Baptism Circuit: Launceston, Wesleyan Methodist
Name: Eliza Anne BRANWELL
Sex: dau
Father Forename: Joseph
Mother Forename: Charlotte
Residence: Parish Or Reg District Launceston
Father Rank Profession: Accountant
Date: 21-Feb 1832
Age: born: 03 Aug 1831


Elizabeth BRANWELL 
Individual Information
          Birth: 1750 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 30 Jun 1750 - Penzance St Mary, Cornwall, England
Father: Richard BRANWELL {1568} (1711-1792) Mother: Margaret JOHN {1569} (Abt 1711-1791)
Spouses and Children

1. *John KEAM {4613} (1754 -       )
       Marriage: 1 Dec 1788 - Madron, Cornwall, England
   Mar. User ID: 1437
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Name: Elizabeth BRAMWELL
Sex: dau
Father Forename: Richard

MARRIAGE: Date: 01-Dec 1788
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Groom Name: John KEAM
Groom Age:
Groom Residence: Town of Penzance
Groom Condition:
Groom Rank Profession:
Groom Signed / Marked (S/M): Signed
Groom Father Name:
Groom Father Rank Profession:
Bride Name: Elisabeth BRAMWELL
Bride Residence: Town of Penzance
Witness 1: Jane BRANWELL
Witness 2: Willm. WILLIAMS
Other Information: Banns published Novr. 16th, 23rd & 30th 1788
Transcriber Notes: Bride signed Eliza BRANWELL.


Elizabeth BRANWELL 

Individual Information

          Birth: 1776 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 2 Dec 1776 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
          Death: 29 Oct 1842 - Haworth, Yorkshire, England
         Burial: Oct 1842 - Haworth, Yorkshire, England
 Father: Thomas BRANWELL {3309} (Abt 1746-1808) Mother: Ann CARNE {3310} (Abt 1744-1809)
General: CENSUS INFORMATION: In the 1841 UK Census, she is listed as Elizabeth Branwell, aged 60 (rounded) of independent means and born in Cornwall. She is living with her brother-in-law, two neices and a servant in Parsonage House, Haworth, Yorkshire. (HO 107/1295/6, Folio 41, Page 1).

BAPTISM: Date: 02-Dec 1776
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Name: Elisabeth BRANWELL
Sex: dau
Father Forename: Thomas
Notes: At Penzance.

Was well known at the Haworth Parsonage. She came to Haworth after the death of her sister Maria to help care for her children; she never returned to Cornwall. She taught the remaining Brontes at home, including instruction on needlework and good housekeeping.
DEATH: Death is recorded in the GRO indexes for the Sheffield Registration District in the December quarter of 1842 under reference 22.333.
Plaque in Chapel Street Methodist Chapel, Penzance, reads:
In memory of ELIZABETH BRANWELL born Penzance 1776, died Haworth 1842. A member of Penzance Wesleyan Society, elder sister of MARIA. From 1921 until her death she dedicated herself to the upbringing and welfare of the motherless BRONTE children. This plaque is the gift of the BRONTE Society, Haworth, Yorkshire. Also HUGH BRANWELL 1890 - 1966.
BURIAL: Buried in St Michael and All Angels church in Haworth, West Yorkshire.
 Elizabeth BRANWELL Individual Information
          Birth: 1772 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 8 Sep 1772 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
          Death: Feb 1776 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
         Burial: 23 Feb 1776 - Madron, Cornwall, England
 Father: Thomas BRANWELL {3309} (Abt 1746-1808) Mother: Ann CARNE {3310} (Abt 1744-1809)
General: GENERAL NOTES: BAPTISM: Date: 08-Sep 1772
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Name: Elizabeth BRAMWELL
Sex: dau
Father Forename: Thomas
Father Rank Profession:
Notes: At Penzance.

BURIAL: Date: 23-Feb 1776
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Name: Elisabeth BRANWELL
Notes: dau of Thomas
Transcriber Notes: recorded with Thomas. (Brother).

picture Emma BRANWELL      Individual Information

          Birth: 1804 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 17 Sep 1804 - Penzance, Cornwall, England

         Father: Benjamin Carne BRANWELL JP {3318} (1775-1818)
         Mother: Mary BATTEN {4623} (1777-1851)

General: GENERAL NOTES: BAPTISM: Date: 17-Sep 1804
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Sex: d/o
Father Forename: Benjamin

George Taylor BRANWELL Individual Information

          Birth: 13 Nov 1827 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 13 Dec 1827 - Penzance, Cornwall, England

         Father: Joseph BRANWELL {1580} (1789-1857)
         Mother: Charlotte BRANWELL {3316} (1789-1848)

General: GENERAL NOTES: BAPTISM: Baptism Circuit: Penzance, Wesleyan Circuit
Name: George Taylor BRANWELL
Father Forename: Joseph
Mother Forename: Charlotte
Residence: Penzance Parish Or Reg District
Father Rank Profession: School Master
Date: 13-Dec 1827
Age: Born 13 Nov 1827

picture Honor BRANWELL 
Individual Information

          Birth: 1773 - Madron, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 16 May 1773 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
          Death: Bef 1776

         Father: Richard BRANWELL {234} (1744-1812)
         Mother: Honour MATTHEWS {235} (1745-1811)

General: GENERAL NOTES: BAPTISM: Date: 16-May 1773
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Name: Honour BRAMWELL
Sex: dau
Father Forename: Richard
Notes: At Penzance.

picture Honor BRANWELL       Individual Information

          Birth: 1777 - Madron, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 21 Mar 1777 - Penzance St Mary, Cornwall, England

         Father: Richard BRANWELL {234} (1744-1812)
         Mother: Honour MATTHEWS {235} (1745-1811)

Spouses and Children

1. *Matthew CRASTOR {4149}
2. SILBY {7182} (       - Bef 1809)      

General: GENERAL NOTES: BAPTISM: Date: 21-Mar 1777
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Name: Honor BRANWELL
Sex: dau
Father Forename: Richard
Notes: At Penzance Chaple.

MARRIAGE: Was twice married.
First marriage: First husband was SILBY.
Second marriage: Date: 05-Feb 1809
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Groom Name: Matthew CRASTER
Groom Residence: of North Shields in the County of Northumberland
Groom Condition: bachelor
Groom Signed / Marked (S/M): Signed
Groom Father Name:
Groom Father Rank Profession:
Bride Name: Honour SILBY
Bride Residence: Town of Penzance
Bride Condition: widow
Bride Rank Profession:
Bride Signed / Marked (S/M): Signed
Witness 1: Wm HARLE
Witness 2: M WRIGHT
Other Information: Licence dated the 3rd day of January 1809.

picture Jane BRANWELL    Individual Information

          Birth: 1753 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 3 Dec 1753 - Penzance St Mary, Cornwall, England
          Death: 26 May 1829 - Todmorden, Yorkshire, England
         Burial: 29 May 1829 - Todmorden, Yorkshire, England

         Father: Richard BRANWELL {1568} (1711-1792)
         Mother: Margaret JOHN {1569} (Abt 1711-1791)

Spouses and Children

1. *Rev. John FENNELL {4617} (1762 - Oct 1841)
       Marriage: 13 Dec 1790 - Madron, Cornwall, England
   Mar. User ID: 1436
                1. Jane Branwell FENNELL {4618} (1791-      )

General: OCCUPATION: Matron.

BAPTISM: Date: 03-Dec 1753
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Forename: Jane BRAMWELL
Sex: dau
Father Forename; Richard
Notes; At Penzance.
 MARRIAGE: Date: 13-Dec 1790
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Groom Name: John FENNELL
Groom Residence: Town of Penzance

Groom Signed / Marked (S/M): Signed
Bride Name: Jane BRANWELL
Bride Residence: Town of Penzance
Bride Signed / Marked (S/M): Signed
Banns / Licence (B/L): Banns
Witness 1: Richd. (Junr.) BRANWELL
Witness 2: Jane SUTHERLAND
Other Information: Other Witness: Alice Branwell. Banns published Novr. 28th, Decr. 5th & 12th 1790.
In 1812, she became the Matron of her Husbands' school.
DEATH: She died at Crosstones Vicarage, near Todmordon, Nr Halifax.   
picture Jane BRANWELL       Individual Information

          Birth: 1773 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 29 Nov 1773 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
          Death: May 1855 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
         Burial: 12 May 1855 - Penzance St Mary, Cornwall, England


         Father: Thomas BRANWELL {3309} (Abt 1746-1808)
         Mother: Ann CARNE {3310} (Abt 1744-1809)

Spouses and Children

1. *John KINGSTON {4626} (1769 -       )
       Marriage: 12 Jun 1800 - Madron, Cornwall, England
   Mar. User ID: 1433
                1. Thomas Branwell KINGSTON {10748} (1801-1855)
                2. Ann Branwell KINGSTON {10747} (1803-      )

General: GENERAL NOTES: BAPTISM: Date: 29-Nov 1773
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Name:: Jane BRAMWELL
Sex: dau
Father Forename; Thomas
Notes: At Penzance.
MARRIAGE: Date: 12-Jun 1800
Parish Or Reg District: Madron
Groom Name: John KINGSTON
Groom Residence: Town of Penzance
Groom Condition: bachelor
Groom Signed / Marked (S/M): Signed
Bride Name: Jane BRANWELL
Bride Residence: Town of Penzance
Bride Condition: spinster
Bride Signed / Marked (S/M); Signed
Banns / Licence (B/L): Licence
Witness 1: Elizth. BRANWELL
Witness 2: Thos. LONGLEY
Other Information: Licence dated June the 10th 1800.

DEATH: Death is recorded in the GRO indexes for the Penzance Registration District in the June quarter of 1855 under reference 5c 220.
BURIAL: Buried in Penzance St Mary. Age recorded as 81.
Date: 12-May 1855
Parish Or Reg District: Penzance, St. Mary (Madron Chapelry)
Age: 81
Residence: Penzance

picture John Batten BRANWELL       Individual Information
          Birth: 1814 - Penzance, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 6 May 1814 - Penzance, Cornwall, England

         Father: Benjamin Carne BRANWELL JP {3318} (1775-1818)
         Mother: Mary BATTEN {4623} (1777-1851)

General: GENERAL NOTES: BAPTISM: Date: 06-May 1814
Parish Or Reg District: Madron, Penzance Chapelry
Name: John Batten BRANWELL
Sex: son
Father Forename: Benjamin Carne
Mother Forename: Mary
Residence: Penzance
Father Rank Profession: gentleman & alderman of this town

picture John Bedford BRANWELL      Individual Information

          Birth: 28 Nov 1833 - Launceston, Cornwall, England
        Baptism: 8 Apr 1834 - Launceston, Cornwall, England
         Father: Joseph BRANWELL {1580} (1789-1857)
         Mother: Charlotte BRANWELL {3316} (1789-1848)

GENERAL NOTES: BAPTISM: Baptism Circuit: Launceston, Wesleyan Methodist
Name: John Bedford BRANWELL
Father Forename: Joseph
Mother Forename: Charlotte
Residence: Langor Parish Or Reg District St. Thomas
Father Rank Profession: Banker
Date: 08-Apr 1834
Age: born: 28 Nov 1833

Kingston, Elizabeth Jane (1808–78) niece of Maria and Elizabeth Branwell, daughter of their sister Jane and her scapegrace Methodist husband John Kingston, whom she left when Elizabeth Jane was a baby. She was bequeathed one-fourth of Elizabeth Branwell’s money, as were all three of the Brontë sisters, the sum amounting to around £300 each. Charlotte wrote their co-heiress friendly and concerned letters in 1846, and Patrick apparently wrote to her as late as 1859. She died in poverty.


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zondag 10 augustus 2014

Parsonage garden

''Life, believe, is not a dream
So dark as sages say;
Oft a little morning rain
Foretells a pleasant day.
Sometime there are clouds of gloom,
But these are transient all;
If the shower will make the roses bloom,
O why lament its fall?
Rapidly, merrily,
Life’s sunny hours flit by,
Gratefully, cheerily,
Enjoy them as they fly!' (CB)
From the e-newsletter :
July strikes me as “mid-term”. Spring with all its flourish has left us behind.  Those plants that straddle late spring and early summer such as honesty and columbine, have now been cut back. The early summer becomes history and the Summer Equinox has come and gone. Some flowers from that early summer period are still around such as roses, cranesbill and red campion but there is a need to be deadheading to encourage the last flowers from these specimens. The white roses still have their beautiful scent too. Even though the school holidays have just begun, to the gardener there is already the hint of autumn. Not only the deadheading but some leaves are beginning to fall, probably exaggerated by the dry weather. However, we need not despair just yet as there is still plenty of colour from many plants not least of all fushias and peonies with their beautiful shapes and colours. The garden has a particular dominant dual coloured hebe bush of profuse and contrasting lilac and white flowers.
In the back garden the vegetation as well as the flowering is prolific. Jenny has been very busy tending this area and we are now expecting a colourful show of yellow loosestrife and evening primrose. She recently rescued a struggling morning glory climbing plant (blue flowered with a bindweed like leaf) and re-planted it in the front garden in hopefully a more favourable location. Perhaps the back garden is becoming our nursery area!
Finally, a quick update on our Plant Bring and Buy held on a Sunday mid-month. We were very grateful to all those visitors who either swapped plants or donated. We enjoyed meeting with you and we hope you enjoyed the buns, cakes and cordials provided. We are currently thinking of how to use the funds to further enhance the garden.