zaterdag 28 augustus 2010

Sir Emery Walker

Ik vind dit een bijzondere foto van Charlotte Bronte
ik kan erg weinig informatie over deze foto vinden
 behalve dat hij tijdens haar huwelijksreis is gemaakt

This photograph - held to be a photograph of Charlotte Brontë (died 1855) taken during her honeymoon in 1854 - is by Sir Emery Walker, died July 22d, 1933.

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wat meer te weten te komen over
Sir Emery Walker

het eerste wat eruit springt
is deze foto
van George Bernard Shaw
mooie foto

1851—1933, English master printer, typographic designer, and engraver. He was, along with William Morris and others, one of the moving spirits behind the revival of fine printing at the end of the 19th cent. in England. He helped to found the Kelmscott Press and later was the partner of Cobden-Sanderson in the Doves Press. Walker was responsible for much of the successful work of the Doves Press, though he and Cobden-Sanderson quarreled, and most of the public credit went to Cobden-Sanderson. Walker exerted great force as a teacher. He was also interested in the improvement of ordinary books and had tremendous influence in changing book design. He was knighted in 1930.

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