zaterdag 18 december 2010

Love and Friendship - a poem by Emily Bronte

Love is like the wild rose-briar,
Friendship like the holly-tree
The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms
But which will bloom most constantly?

The wild-rose briar is sweet in the spring,
Its summer blossoms scent the air;
Yet wait till winter comes again
And who will call the wild-briar fair?
Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now
And deck thee with the holly's sheen,
That when December blights thy brow
He may still leave thy garland green.

Haworth Old Hall, Sun Street

Running out from the cellars of this four hundred-year old manorial hall house are elaborate escape routes and two tunnels, one connected with the church, each nearly a mile in length. The Emmotts who once lived here, owning most of the property in the vicinity, were recusants who kept up the old faith in the church and protected priest and people from persecution during penal times. In other times of religious persecution there was an escape route for meetings of nonconformists in this house.

In 1816 Dr Whittaker, Vicar of Whalley, writes 'Haworth is to Bradford as Heptonstall is to Halifax – almost at the extremity of population, high bleak, dirty and difficult of access.' As though that and the conditions provided by the present owners are not atmosphere enough, Emmott Old Hall, as it is known locally, has a far older history.

This fine specimen of an old hall house – a communal dwelling house, court house and resting place for the inhabitants of the area, the manorial lord and his court. – stands at the bottom of the Church Gate, no doubt on the site of the original manor house. In the reign of the first Queen Elizabeth, the present house was erected as rooms off the entrance hall, which itself was a most magnificent room with polished oak rafters.

By the 1870's the Old Hall, though still regarded as a capital specimen, was divided into two cottages. Tenants came and went, certain additions were made to the house early in the twentieth and in recent times it has been reconverted into one residence, the ancient hall becoming the dining area, revealing the two magnificent stone fire places which are the principal features of it. The last of the Emmott line to remain at the hall was General Emmott Rawdon, but the association of the family with it continues among the characters described by the Bronte sisters in their novels. Reading from these, perhaps one can add a little to the atmosphere of this house on the wuthering heights.

vrijdag 17 december 2010

Bronte Christmas lunch

Eric Ruijssenaars told during the Bronte Christmas lunch about the scholarship he has been granted by the New Netherland Institute in Albany, US, to do a research project involving 17th C Dutch colonial archives. While in the US Eric will also make contact with the Brontë Society there and talk to its New York section and will also address the annual meeting of all the American sections of the Society. The subject of his talk will of course be Brussels Brontë research and our group!

donderdag 16 december 2010

Wuthering Heights official photographer

Read : Wuthering Heights official photographer

Victorians were terrified of debt because inability to pay meant one could lose everything -- even one's liberty. Ireland maintains a touching collection of Victoriana, including letter boxes, the Dublin Custom House coats of arms, and laws which prescribe prison for not repaying loans.Literary critics say Charlotte Bronte's novel 'Villette,' is really about the dangers of Victorian life, before the invention of limited liability. One commentator notes the frequent use of the words crisis, panic, dread, terror, fever, frenzy and peril in the book.The ups and downs of the financial cycle cause the heroine's family to suffer, "shocks and repulses... humiliations and desolations." Ah yes, indeed.We may be entering a more Victorian world, where people's spending will be more in line with their incomes, and exposure to debt on mortgages and purchases of expensive consumer items will be more limited. For the time being at least, they are likely to receive every encouragement in this approach from the banks.

woensdag 15 december 2010

Christmas Contest

Christmas Contest

Send the Bronte Blog (read more above) your favourite, more Christmas-like quote from any Brontë work or letter.
It doesn't need to include the word 'Christmas'. We would rather the quotation conveys the feeling of what Christmas time feels like for you, or what Christmas time should be all about in your opinion.

maandag 13 december 2010

13-12-1852 Arthur Bell Nicholls proposed to Charlotte Bronte.


Arthur Bell Nicholls proposed to Charlotte Bronte. Charlotte informed her father who was not pleased about the marriage proposal. She wrote to Nicholls rejecting him.

This picture was taken in 1904, depicted Arthur Bell Nicholls as an old man, standing with his dog Pincher and a little girl outside his house in Ireland. He had returned to his native country after Charlotte’s death, taking with him the remaining Brontë dogs, servant and everything of sentimental value connected with her.
More information of Arthur Bell Nicholls click here.

zondag 12 december 2010


In deze dagen denk ik vaak aan de Bronte Sisters
Hoe vierden zij kerstfeest?

Een kerstboom heeft Charlotte misschien
alleen gezien,
 toen haar zussen en broer
overleden waren en zij beroemd was
en naar Londen reisde
de kerstboom kwam pas later
in de Victoriaanse tijd in de mode

misschien zag het er ongeveer zo uit
toen Maria Branwell
nog leefde

In alle biografieën lees ik
dat de zussen en broer
tijdens Kerstmis
 naar huis terugkeerden. 

Zij zullen ongetwijfeld
 een kerstdienst
in de kerk van hun vader
bijgewoond hebben
Ik kan me zo voorstellen
dat Anne en Charlotte
bezoeken aflegden
manden met voedingsmiddelen
 rondbrachten naar de armen
Versierden zij het huis?
Kookten zij extra lekker?
Wat aten ze?

The Christmas dinner was generally a huge family affair. In addition to the main meat dish, they served Christmas pudding with beef, raisins and prunes. Mince pie was a traditional dish to be eaten during the Twelve Days of Christmas to ensure luck throughout the coming new year.

Ze maakten vast muziek
Emily spelend op de piano
Wat we weten is dat
 ze schreven en lazen
en blij waren
dat ze bij elkaar waren.

Christmas Plum Pudding
2 cups soft bread crumbs
2 cups chopped suet
1 cup chopped raisins
1 cup chopped citron
1 cup cleaned currants
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon nutmeg
6 eggs
1/2 cup brandy
1/2 tablespoon lemon rind
Mix ingredients; pour into buttered mold; cover and steam four hours; bake in oven one-half hour. Serve with Wine Sauce
Wine Sauce
1/2 cup butter
1 cup powdered sugar
wine, brandy or vanilla
1 teaspoon hot water
Cream butter; add sugar by the teaspoon, and beat until light and creamy. Flavor and serve.

How did the Brontës celebrate Christmas? The simple answer is we do not know: apart from a poem by Anne celebrating music on Christmas morning and Mrs Gaskell’s passing reference to the recently married Charlotte and her husband taking a spice-cake as a gift to an elderly parishioner on Christmas Day, the biographical record is remarkably blank. Attending church would have been obligatory for the parson’s children but their novels suggest that the usual festivities were not neglected.

There is goose with apple sauce for Christmas dinner at Wuthering Heights, not to mention dancing and carol-singing when the Gimmerton band arrives.

And Jane Eyre’s preparations for her cousins’ return to Moor-House suggest first-hand experience: the ‘cleaning down’ of the house from top to bottom, laying fires in every room and the ‘solemnizing of … culinary rites’ including making Christmas cakes and mince-pies.