zaterdag 21 mei 2011

Charlotte Bronte travelling dresses after her marriage.

The bride's travelling dress was made with a plain skirt and a simple bodice fastened at the back, and trimmed with a narrow galloon trimming, which somewhat spoilt the effect.
She already had a plain grey silk dress, which she had been wearing as a best dress, and she had also a black satin one. She added a plain merino dress and a pink cotton dress, with a pattern of white flowers; this was simply a house dress for the summer. She had consulted Mrs. Gaskell about her trousseau, and, as an expert in choosing her own and her daughter's dresses, she was of great assistance to Charlotte Bronte, who never enjoyed shopping, or choosing her own clothes. This was the day of cottage bonnets and shawls, as the mid- Victorian pictures prove. She had a fine grey cashmere shawl for going- away, and on Sundays she wore a white one. Her bonnet was grey drawn silk, with very small pink roses.

She had also a black Spanish lace veil, and she also wore a jet necklace, a gift from her sister Anne. As a necktie she wore a length of a beautiful pink gauze ribbon, secured by a small pebble brooch over a fine lawn collar, which Ellen Nussey had given her. She had also dainty white cuffs to match.

1 opmerking:

  1. Today we do all we can to seem slimmer in a would never have horizontal strips or that big shield front piece, the balloon sleeves etc

    But everything about this dress would make its wearer seen bigger than they were...Tiny CB may have sought that .

    We see a brown dress...but one reads it was violet and sliver...quite dressy for Charlotte I think . The bonnet sounds lovely
