woensdag 27 juli 2011

Emily Bronte

I love the weblog  Abigails Ateliers. On this weblog you can find great information about the Bronte sisters. For instance information about Emily on: Abigails Ateliers will-the-real-emily-bronte-please-stand-up
We can be sure that Emily had dark brown hair as it can be seen in the mourning jewelry at the parsonage,she is described by eye witnesses as having beautiful dark brown hair, she seems to have held it up in her adult years with a tall comb similar to those still used in spain, though smaller. In her teenage years she wore it in a tight frizz that was very unbecoming.
She is also described as having ” very beautiful eyes of a hazel colour, (kind kindling eyes is the expression used by contemporaries) aquiline nose and large expressive prominent mouth, (Mrs Robinson’s biography)
we know Emily was tall both for the age and by comparison with the rest of her family, her coffin was 5 ,7 inches ,,she would have been a head higher than Charlotte who was 4, 9 and possibly taller than even Branwell. Read more on the weblog from Lyn Marie Cunliffe,  the owner of the blog .
On this weblog are really beautiful pictures of the costumes Lyn Marie Cunliffe, is making. I have permission to show pictures. I really am happy with it, because it gives such a good idea about the Brontes in their surroundings, like the parsonage and the moors.

Lyn Marie Cunliffe is writing about this dress:

I made the dress above and it took a couple of weeks to make and that’s constant all day hand sewing, most of the time was taken sewing and smocking the sleeves. It also took me much longer to make the 1830s gigot sleeved dress than a plain 1840s dress. So if Emily had not cared about clothes, I doubt she would have gone to the effort of making the elaborate sleeves. She was almost certainly less tidy in her dress than the other sisters and this is no doubt partly inclination but also partly the needs of housework inside and comfort on the moors.

1 opmerking:

  1. Thank you for the information about Emily's appearance and for posting the photos of Lyn Marie Cunliffe's dresses and her comments
    about making them.

    It's amazing how a dress can inform our vision. The silhouette is so diffrent from our time,that it's good to see a modern rendition ( and these are beautiful! ) I imagine when wearing these creations, they can act as mini time machines.
