donderdag 22 september 2011

Elisabeth Gaskell tells about her visit to Charlotte Bronte in 1953: ""We went, not purposely, but accidentally, to see various poor people in our distant walks. From one we had borrowed an umbrella; in the house of another we had taken shelter from a rough September storm. In all these cottages, her quiet presence was known. At three miles from her home, the chair was dusted for her, with a kindly "Sit ye down, Miss Bronte;" and she knew what absent or ailing members of the family to inquire after. Her quiet, gentle words, few though they might be, were evidently grateful to those Yorkshire ears. Their welcome to her, though rough and curt, was sincere and hearty""

Watercolor of Elizabeth Gaskell by Meta, the daughter of Elizabeth Gaskell 1865

We were so happy together; we were so full of interest in each other's subjects. The day seemed only too short for what we had to say and to hear.
I understood her life the better for seeing the place where it had been spent - where she had loved and suffered. Mr. Bronte was a most courteous host; and when he was with us, - at breakfast in his study, or at tea in Charlotte's parlour, - he had a sort of grand and stately way of describing past times, which tallied well with his striking appearance. He never seemed quite to have lost the feeling that Charlotte was a child to be guided and ruled, when she was present; and she herself submitted to this with a quiet docility that half amused, half astonished me. But when she had to leave the room, then all his pride in her genius and fame came out. He eagerly listened to everything I could tell him of the high admiration I had at any time heard expressed for her works. He would ask for certain speeches over and over again, as if he desired to impress them on his memory.

1 opmerking:

  1. I so wish that Charlotte and Elizabeth could have spent more time together, they truly understood each other. I think lady authors of that time were so happy to discover others like themselves, and to be appreciated for their talent by their peers.
    xo J~
