vrijdag 9 maart 2012

What did the Bronte Sisters see in March while walking the Moors?

March - an overview

March brings with it the anticipation of Spring; 21st March is the Vernal or Spring Equinox when there is equal periods of night and day and officially marks the start of Spring. March can have warm days, but can still be a reminder that winter still has a grip with snow, heavy rain and cold north winds.

What to see

Lambs will be out on pasture and moorland.
Lapwings which arrived late February will be establishing their territory over pasture and moorland. They are so called because of their undulating flight, and also known as "peewit" due to its characteristic calling sound. You can see their aerobatic tumbling which is part of their courtship ritual and territory display.

Natural food for birds is easier for them to find as the insect population increases and buds appear. Birds such as the BlackbirdBlue TitChaffinch and Robin will be singing more frequently, establishing territories in preparation for nest building and rearing young. Putting out food for them will still help at this time of year as the all too often sudden cold snap can make it difficult.

Frogs will continue to move to breeding ponds to spawn, replacing the frogspawn that may have died from frosts. 

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