dinsdag 6 november 2012

After Aunt Branwell died in 1842 Emily took on the role of housekeeper helping out in the kitchen.

The Kitchen is to the rear of the house. The Bronte children would often listen to their servant Tabby tell of stories about Haworth and the moors. After Aunt Branwell died in 1842 Emily took on the role of housekeeper helping out in the kitchen.fatal secret

1 opmerking:

  1. Yes and one of the first things Emily did as her father's housekeeper was to get Tabby back into the Parsonage. It seems Aunt Bramwell had dismissed her? In any case after Emily returned to Haworth, Tabby was back for good.

    Also animals were now truly welcomed. Aunt didn't like even the dogs to be inside. When Emily beat Keeper for sleeping on the beds, it was because she was afraid Aunt would bar him from the house if he kept misbehaving. Emily saw to it he did not

    Besides loving her brother, I believe Emily felt getting Bramwell home from the Black Bull was part of her duty as father's housekeeper . She was also the only one in the house physically cable of helping Bramwell up the lane. Last ,but not least : to protect her father. Her only comment after extinguishing Bramwell's blazing bed clothes was " Don't tell Papa".

    But she may have been keenly aware of her good fortune. She could stay HOME while the others were expected to earn thier bread elsewhere. Poor Bramwell. If he did stop drinking and acted sensible, it would be very shortly there after expected that he go off to be a tutor or some such. Emily was spared that expectation now and so commenced some of the happiest years of her life
