dinsdag 11 juni 2013

" I really and truly did see her"!

I found this beautiful illustration Anne made. Here is the story that refers the illustration:

One day in the autumn or winter succeeding Mrs Brontë's death, Charlotte came to her nurse wild and white  with the excitement of having seen a fairy standing by Baby Anne's cradle.
When the two ran back to the nursery,
Charlotte was flying on ahead and treading softly not to frighten the beautiful visitant away. None was there besides the baby sleeping sweetly  in the depths of her forenoon nap. Charlotte stood transfixed, her eyes wandered incredulously around the room

"But she was here just now" she insisted

" I really and truly did see her"!

 and no argument or coaxing could shake her from the believe 


2 opmerkingen:

  1. Thank you Geri!

    It's an honor to have my work on your blog!

    I love Marion Harland's book " Charlotte Brontë at home" from 1899

    It's a treasure trove!

  2. I read this story on Anne's site and was charmed by it...I'm surprised that Charlotte didn't start writing fairytales that very moment, I'm sure she would have written fabulous ones!
    xo J~
