zondag 30 juni 2013

Ring belonged to Charlotte Bronte

Object numberE.2007.9.2
Titlering belonged to Charlotte Bronte
Descriptiontarnished gold band, slightly mis-shapen, set with with a central garnet and a small diamond to left and right of the garnet

More rings in the bronte archive (click)

12 opmerkingen:

  1. I wonder if she got this ring via her Branwell family, from her mother or Aunt... which could have belonged to her sisters at first The Branwells had the wealth that could produce a ring with a central garnet and small diamonds

    I imagine Charlotte is wearing her wedding ring

    1. On Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/CharlotteBronteFans?hc_location=timeline) I saw a ring called the engagement ring of Charlotte Bronte. This ring I see also in the archives of the Parsonage Museum. But the museum gives no explanation about this ring. The only ring they give an explanation is the ring I show in this blog. When there is no official explanation I don't dare to say this ring is the engagement ring as happened on Facebook.

    2. I have seen letters (by Ellen Nussey) describing Charlotte's engagement ring from Mr. Nicholls - the pearl ring - and I also know what this Garnet ring is from and will be posting on the 5th about it. If you would like to see - and if you (Anne) are on Facebook I would appreciate it if you would like my page.

    3. Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.

  2. Lord! I had no idea Charlotte received a engagement ring from Mr. Nicholls ! I have never seen a reference to it . How did it come to the Parsonage?

    One would think he was too poor to be able to give her one unless it was a family piece?? How exciting!

    Were these letters Ellen wrote later in life?

    I am MOST interested to learn about this, thank you!

    I'm not on Facebook, but is your page public so I may view this information?

    How delightful! The penniless curate had enough wherewithal to give Charlotte such a ring.
    She must of been pleased .

    Charlotte thought too much fuss about it all was folly, but enjoyed the trimmings as any bride would none the less...I remember she thought she would not buy white martial for her wedding dress, but to her amazement, she did lol

  3. Oh so I went to the facebook page lol now I know you. The one who says Mr. Smith and Charlotte were actually engaged....

    If Charlotte was indeed engaged to George it was odd how , at same time, she agonized over accepting James Taylor as a possible husband lol What would it matter if he caused her veins to run ice if she was already engaged lol

    Also I remember you said that the photo of Ellen Nussey latter in life was Charlotte

    here in a side by side comparison, I show both are of Ellen


    You must know that photo of three young women
    taken in the 1860's are not the Brontes sisters as well ?

    You are successful in getting me excited for a time in any case. ,,,, for that I thank you lol

    Anything Ellen says in later life, I take with not just a pinch , but with a sack of salt .

    1. I know it seems strange about James Taylor - but I thought about how in the letters to Ellen Charlotte always denied that she and George were anything more than friends - but then did admit they had enough regard for each other to marry - and somethings look coded to me from how I've studied them.

      She probably did that because she knew people were reading her mail that shouldn't and I thought maybe all the references to James Taylor were just to throw the quidnuncs (as she called the gossips) of the trail.

      Yes I know that the photo isn't her but I like it better and it looks more like Branwell's portrait than any of the other portraits.

      Also, I know that Ellen was pretty unreliable but I found letters from George's daughter also who he had told stuff and the letters from Ellen to another biographer (Charlotte had told Ellen) and they verify a lot of things - I have two sources.

  4. I love history and I love the Bronte Sisters. I am always searching for information about them. I did start this blog for this reason, keep the information I find all together.

    But I am only interested in things really happened. I am interested in sourses I can rely on. As we saw in the blog I made of the biographers, there are so many points of view. Some of them without any source to point at. It is fun to read, but for me this doesn't belong to really historical search. And I want to know as much as I can, about the real history.

    Also I am not interested in all kinds of spin offs made today or in the past. I read about it, some of them I like, some of them I dislike.

    What I know of the letters of Ellen Nussey is: They don' t exists.

    As far as I know Charlotte did not keep them. Ellen wanted to have them back, she asked Mr. Nicolls to send them back. He told her he never saw a letter she wrote to Charlotte.

    Caeia March wrote a book: The Letters from Ellen Nussey to Charlotte Bronte, but these letters are made up.

    So, what I need is historic evidence to prove there are still letters of Ellen Nussey.

    1. I meant letters from Ellen to Biographers not to Charlotte. And there are her letters published to George, Gaskell etc.


  5. and somethings look coded to me from how I've studied them. ...

    Are you kidding?

    I'm to take your ideas and spin as historical fact? You need to add alot of" imo " to what you say

    I thought maybe all the references to James Taylor were just to throw the quidnuncs (as she called the gossips) of the trail.

    As far as I'm concerned, your Bronte history fundamentals are pretty faulty . Have you read what Charlotte wrote about" the little man?( Taylor) and at what length? " That heartache is not faked .

    Yes I know that the photo isn't her but I like it better and it looks more like Branwell's portrait than any of the other

    If you know it's not Charlotte ...how can it matter how it looks ? It's not her. Why not use Branwell's portrait ? It's at least CB and imo that photo looks very little like CB's portrait from the column painting

    Also, I know that Ellen was pretty unreliable but I found letters from George's daughter also who he had told stuff and the letters from Ellen to another biographer (Charlotte had told Ellen) and they verify a lot of things - I have two sources.

    You keep saying that and yet... still no letters

    And even if there were Ellen letters, the letters Ellen wrote in later life to publishers are completely unreliable.

    Ellen lied , made things up so someone would then want to publish a Bronte "scoop" she simply made up

    Seemingly Ellen could not understand Arthur Bell Nichols had the letters copy right and would never let her muck about Charlotte's words with whoever Ellen had hoodwinked into doing the work.

    The same pattern over and over

    Ellen has Charlotte's letters, finds someone excited to work on a book ( that is do all the work) ...then opps after doing a good deal of work, they find out Ellen does not have the right to publish those letters and all their work was for nothing

    When they angrily point out to her she either lied to them or was not bright enough to know she could not publish the letters , Ellen goes off in a angry huff to find another "collaborator" with her sack of letters to fool into doing free work.

    I think she went mad frankly

    I dare say if Ellen knew of the Charlotte's letters to M. Heger , which came out in 1913 , she likely would not have made up the story about Mr. Smith.

    Her main interest seemed to be to find someone, anyone, who could undermine Arthur Bell Nicholls place as the most important man in Charlotte's life as Ellen hated Arthur with a passion.

    If she knew of Charlotte's heartbroken letters to her professor, it's likely Ellen would not of made up the Smith story..but imo she wanted to be able to say Arthur was not the most important man and worked with what she had.

    Even during Charlotte's life time, Ellen kept pushing the idea of George onto Charlotte , but Charlotte wrote " I like the idea of the letter man ( Taylor) better"

    and George's daughter's recollection from 50 years later are unreliable
    as well... very likely she wanted to make her father even more important in Charlotte's life

    If later Ellen letters or George's daughter's "reflections" is all you have imo they are slender reeds indeed

  6. Even during Charlotte's life time, Ellen kept pushing the idea of George onto Charlotte , but Charlotte wrote " I like the idea of the letter man ( Taylor) better"


    of course I meant" the little man " CB's nickname for James Taylor

  7. It took some looking up since no mention of Aunt Branwell's effects are in either Barker's "The Brontes" or Gerin 's " Charlotte Bronte" , But in Rebecca Fraser's book of Charlotte, " A Writer 's Life,

    on page " 180

    Aunt's will and belongings are mentioned

    Aunt Branwell's " rings along with her sliver spoons, books and clothes she left to the the three girls the division to be made by Mr. Bronte " according as their father shall think proper"

    By the time of Charlotte's own passing, she would have all of had all of Aunt's rings in her possession.
    So it's likely it's as I guessed. The rings at the Parsonage were once Aunt Branwell's. They were then passed on to her nieces, then on to Charlotte.

    And really when one thinks about, where else would a Bronte get such rings? Charlotte had to gather up her courage just to install curtains! A bonnet with a pink lining seemed too ostentatious to her lol . Rings had to be family pieces and come to her that way...as even her wedding ring did .

    At most, Charlotte might have chosen one of Aunt's rings to signify her engagement, however that seems a stretch . She wanted little fuss

    If however Mr. Nicholls had given Charlotte a ring ...I do believe she would have let people know it. Because that would have shown he was not completely penniless and would have raised his standing in their eyes.

    Charlotte was keenly conscious the match was not " brilliant" .. Given Bronte pride, imo Charlotte would have added the brilliance of given jewelry to Arthur's picture if she could.

    In later years Mr. Nicholls may have give these rings to his own nieces , of whom he was most fond , it would be interesting how they came back to the Parsonage
