zaterdag 13 juli 2013

Charlotte Bronte, a Tory

Politically a Tory, she preached tolerance rather than revolution. She held high moral principles and, despite her shyness, was prepared to argue for her beliefs.

The Taylors were an old and respected, but unconventional, Yorkshire textiles family. The six children were encouraged by their father, a fierce radical in religion and politics, to develop independence of thought and action and freedom of expression.
Joshua Taylor was an educated, cultured and strongly cosmopolitan influence upon them. The Taylors exported cloth to Europe and America and had strong European connections. They often travelled in Europe on business and pleasure and had relatives living in Brussels. In the 1830s Charlotte Brontë sometimes stayed at Red House. She greatly enjoyed her visits, writing that:
‘… the society of the Taylors is one of the most rousing
leasures I have ever known.’ (Charlotte Brontë to Ellen Nussey, 15 April 1839)

Mary Taylor later wrote about Charlotte’s visits:

‘We used to dispute about politics and religion. She, a Tory and clergyman’s daughter, was always in a minority of one in our house of violent Dissent and Radicalism.’ (Mary Taylor to Mrs Gaskell, 1856) RedHouse-MaryTaylor ----------------------------------

Tory refers to those holding a political philosophy (Toryism) commonly regarded as based on a traditionalist and conservative view which grew out of the Cavalier faction in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. It is a prominent ideology in the politics of the United Kingdom.
English Tories from the time of the Glorious Revolution up until the Reform Bill of 1832 were characterized by strong monarchist tendencies, support for the Church of England, and hostility to reform, while the Tory Party was an actual organization which held power intermittently throughout the same period.[11] Since 1832, the term "Tory" is commonly used to refer to the Conservative Party and its members. wiki/Tory  

The Conservative Party traces its origins to a faction, rooted in the 18th-century Whig Party, that coalesced around William Pitt the Younger (Prime Minister of Great Britain 1783–1801 and 1804–1806). Originally known as "Independent Whigs", "Friends of Mr Pitt", or "Pittites", after Pitt's death the term "Tory" came into use. This was an allusion to the Tories, a political grouping that had existed from 1678, but which had no organisational continuity with the Pittite party. From about 1812 on the name "Tory" was commonly used for the newer party. wiki/Conservative_Party

Mr. Bronte himself had been living amongst these very people in 1812, as he was then clergyman at Hartshead, not three miles from Rawfolds; and, as I have mentioned, it was in these perilous times that he began his custom of carrying a loaded pistol continually about with him. For not only his Tory politics, but his love and regard for the authority of the law, made him despise the cowardice of the surrounding magistrates, who, in their dread of the Luddites, refused to interfere so as to prevent the destruction of property. The clergy of the district were the bravest men by far. There was a Mr. Roberson, of Heald's Hall, a friend of Mr. Bronte's, who has left a deep impression of himself on the public mind. He lived near Heckmondwike, a large, straggling, dirty village, not two miles from Roe Head. It was principally inhabited by blanket weavers, who worked in their own cottages; and Heald's Hall is the largest house in the village, of which Mr. Roberson was the vicar. At his own cost, he built a handsome church at Liversedge, on a hill opposite the one on which his house stood, which was the first attempt in the West Riding to meet the wants of the overgrown population, and made many personal sacrifices for his opinions, both religious and political, which were of the true old-fashioned Tory stamp. He hated everything which he fancied had a tendency towards anarchy. He was loyal in every fibre to Church and king; and would have proudly laid down his life, any day, for what he believed to be right and true. But he was a man of an imperial will, and by it he bore down opposition, till tradition represents him as having something grimly demoniac about him. egaskell/cbronte

Disraeli is not the only early Victorian Tory novelist whose brilliance puts today's fictionally challenged Conservative MPs in the shade. This writer was intensely interested in politics from early childhood and was reactionary enough to have opposed the franchise-extending Reform Bill of 1832. Perhaps surprisingly to those who see her as a radical feminist, I'm talking about Charlotte Brontë, who made her contribution to the "condition of England" novel in 1849, a few years after Disraeli completed his trilogy.
Shirley, Charlotte Brontë's second published novel, is a story of industrial unrest and class conflict which confounds some of today's critics with its failure to address Chartism. Yet to appreciate it artistically it's important not to make anachronistic judgments. Indeed, putting it in a Disraelian context might be a new way of making sense of this novel which many readers, fresh from the exhilaration of reading the more instantly appealing Jane Eyre, have found so strange and difficult.
Though she retained her hero-worship of the Duke of Wellington, Brontë had by 1849 modified her politics to the extent that she could no longer be accused of being an intransigent "high Tory". The high Tories in Shirley are shown to be as limited in their way as the Whig manufacturer whose heart has become a machine. Instead, in the character of Shirley Keeldar, Brontë offers something that looks suspiciously like a modified Young England Toryism. As an enlightened aristocrat, Shirley is the fount of regeneration in the district: not only does she relieve the distress of the poor with her paternalistic charity, but the manufacturing interests are dependent on her too if they are to survive (in a more humane form). She is also close to the land, which she worships as mother nature in Romantic vein, and prefers feeling and imagination to reason and commerce.  In her flambuoyant disregard for social convention, Shirley has what could almost be called a female Byronism which recalls the young Disraeli. If, politically, the novel has something in common with Young England, aesthetically it harks back to Disraeli's earlier works. Despite the dazzling figure of Shirley Keeldar, though, the novel is fundamentally anti-idealistic. Its anti-Utopian stance sets it in a line of Tory pessimism going right back to Swift and Dr Johnson. guardianreview


Besides Mary Taylor's deep friendship with Charlotte Bronte, there are many other motivations to read this fascinating novel. Mary Taylor is wonderful at descriping the working class as complex and interesting characters and her politics are more radical than Charlotte's. Taylor manages to capture the Yorkshire dialect without snobishness. Charlotte was a political Tory/conservative and could often write harsly of the poor working class struggle for equality and respect (see her novel Shirley). And for anyone who has studied Victorian feminism, this novel is a great reflecting point. It's a shame that Mary Taylor did NOT save her letters from Charlotte nor hand them over to biographer and fellow Victorian novelist aElizabeth Gaskell, because the intellectual and literary discussions the two writers would have engaged in would have been fascinating to read -- especially their positions on women's education, marriage, children, and careers. Miss-Miles-Tale-Yorkshire-Years 

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Indeed, I morn Mary's lost letters as much as Charlotte's in that exchange. Just the few of Mary's letters we have show an intelligence a forthrightness and a wit which stood alone in Charlotte's world until she started moving in London circles. ...and I would argue as to whether she found in effect any one better in those regards even then . In her way Mary was up to CB's best mentally ...and that was very rare in Charlotte's experience

    Mr. Bronte's Toryism stemmed, I believe, from his experience in Ireland as a youth. He bettered himself in the system, why could not others? .But more, he saw what lawlessness can do in rebellion and how it can call forth even more oppression.

    In such a case one would likely uphold the law as the best of a bad lot and seek change though reform, which we know he did his whole life in a vigorous manner.

    Politically, Charlotte is often not sympathetic to the modern reader. When factory workers won a case against a criminal owner, she wrote to her father she was glad of course, but unhappy too since such events make the " lower orders "( a term she constantly uses about the working class ) unhappy with their lot and less likely to work.

    lol It's little wonder Charlotte passed on composing the social change type of novel and yet who stood more for freedom of self?

    Sitting at the Taylor table must of been a revelation to Charlotte, not having heard such arguments before and certainly never so forcibly lol

    Again, one must look to Rev Bronte's commitment to mental freedom for his children. How many others would have snatched Charlotte away and forbidden such company?

    Yet the Taylors became like family

    The differences between Charlotte and her husband , Arthur Bell Nichols, are often highlighted. But they were in accord in their conservatism and in their dry humor...powerful bonds .

    It's to be remembered Charlotte did not submit to his views , in the most part she agreed with them ( expect for his attitude to Dissenters! lol! )

    Despite the dazzling figure of Shirley Keeldar, though, the novel is fundamentally anti-idealistic. Its anti-Utopian stance sets it in a line of Tory pessimism going right back to Swift and Dr Johnson..

    An astute observation. Dr. Johnson was another one who had dim views of upsetting the social order. But like Charlotte, he had great sympathy for individuals who found themselves in difficulties within that order .

    Basically the idea is humans are

    Near the end of Charlotte's life the Crimea war broke out . In a letter to Miss Wooler Charlotte expressed a different feeling about such matters that she had held before which she saw as a result of middle age approaching...the flowing sword of justice was slipping from her hand and she saw more the human cost. One can only wonder how else time and life would have modify her views or not ...

  2. Mary & Charlotte's letters to each other would have been so fascinating to read, truly a shame that Mary chose to burn them, such a loss. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at the Taylor's when charlotte was there. Invigorating and lively political and social discussions, such as she was used to at home, I'm sure felt very normal to her, unlike those she most likely had at Brookroyd, which were most likely very proper and polite, and not at all 'course'.
    xo J~

  3. Yes, I wished as well that I lived in that time and could meet them and talk with them and be part of their circle.

    I as well wished Mary saved her letters. What would we learn about Charlotte?
