zaterdag 31 augustus 2013

Flossy and Keeper’s Collars

From the Treasure Trove: Flossy and Keeper’s Collars. Flossy was Anne’s dog, said to have been given to her by her pupils, the Robinsons of Thorp Green, and brought to Haworth in 1843. Keeper was the family dog, most commonly associated with Emily. His reputation for ferocity was legendary in Haworth, and his collar gives some indication of his size and power. facebook/Bronte-Parsonage-Museum/


1 opmerking:

  1. The fascinating thing about Brontes possessions ,( besides the objects themselves of course) , is where were they during the years between leaving the Brontes and the items eventual return to the Parsonage... and in whose hands did they pass ....always an interesting story .
