dinsdag 17 september 2013

Charlotte & Arthur’s marriage settlement.

From the Treasure Trove: Charlotte & Arthur’s marriage settlement. Shortly before her marriage, Charlotte had a marriage settlement drawn up so that if she were to die before her husband, her money would pass to her father. The terms of the settlement were overturned when she wrote her will.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I had no idea it looked like this...this looks like a transfer of duchies in medieval times! How big is i I wonder? It must be huge unless they employed a person who could write as tiny as CB!

    Compare this with the simplicity of their wedding registry!
    and her final will which over threw this imposing legal fortress

    I guess since it was meant to amend the law of the land,(i.e. prevent the husband from receiving the wife's money ) it had to be impressive

    When they sign this document, they are half married in a sense. They would not conciser themselves truly married until vows where taken before God of course .But this is the secular marriage. If Patrick was there, then he was present for one of their marriages imo

    I can make out CB's signature and I guess Arthur's...the other should be Joe Taylor's . I wonder if her solicitor was there? He must of been!

    Would love to know the date and just what it says

    Thank you so much for posting!

  2. I have since found out it was Joe Taylor's solicitor, Mr. Carr, that drew this document up . It's very much a secular marriage of three people. CB, Arthur Bell Nicholls and Joe Taylor.

    Bringing Joe in shows Charlotte's seriousness about choosing Arthur. He was indeed becoming family... a part of THIS family....a rare achievement indeed

    It's very moving how Charlotte came to trust Arthur enough to over turn this document when she became ill . She could have just allowed this agreement to stand.

    I think she trusted Arthur already or she would not have agreed to the marriage. But I believe she and Aurthur wanted to prove to Patrick and others it was not money Arthur wanted. Nothing else would have done that as well .
