woensdag 25 september 2013

From the Treasure Trove: warming pan.

From the Treasure Trove: warming pan.
We recently received this warming pan on a loan.
On cold nights, the Brontes would have filled it with coal to keep their beds warm.

Bronte Society e-newsletter 30.9.13

Another item on loan to us is the Brontës’ brass warming pan, which was sold at the 1861 sale of the Brontës' posessions after Patrick Brontë's death. The Brontës would have used it to warm their sheets before getting into bed and we're delighted to have an object that would have brought the Brontës so much comfort in cold times! It is in need of conservation work so won't be going on display right away. We will keep you updated on its progress. 

1 opmerking:

  1. A warming pan was worth its weight in gold.... in the middle of May much less during a Yorkshire winter! Those flag stones on the way to and from the privy were cold!
