zondag 5 januari 2014

Haworth and Oakworth to feature in television series

Keighley News: The Bronte Parsonage Museum
Professor Ann Sumner, executive director of the Bronte Society, said the filming took place in May last year. She added: “I did an interview with Michael about the Brontes’ relationship with the railways, and his visit has prompted us to have a new display on this subject in 2014.
“Mr Portillo was charming, very enthusiastic and it was a pleasure to welcome him to the Parsonage on what was a beautiful, sunny day.” She said the interview examined subjects such as the Bronte sisters’ experience of travelling on what was then a novel form of transport, Branwell Bronte’s stint as a railway employee, and the role the railway played in making Haworth a tourist destination. keighleynews

Emily Bronte was good at investing in the stock market.
Try to get your head around the fact that the real Emily Bronte was good at investing in the stock market. Not only that, but she invested her own and her sisters' money in railway shares - the dotcom stocks equivalent of the 1840s - and managed the investment attentively. A surviving letter from supposedly more worldly Charlotte is full of praise for Emily's careful reading of the newspapers for items of railway industry news. theguardian

The British Railway Mania of the 1840s was a giant event.

At its height, individual capital- ists, in pursuit of private profit, were plowing more than twice as much into the construction of a public infrastructure as their nation was spending on the military. (It should be noted that the Pax Britannica was not cheap. Among other foreign adventures, Britain had just a few years earlier been involved in the First Opium War and the First Afghan War.) During the peak year for spending, 1847, their investments came, as a fraction of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), to the equivalent of over $1 trillion dollars for the United States today. (If we compare their expenditure to total government spending, federal, state, and local, and not to GDP, it was equivalent to over $3 trillion dollars. Taxes, which might be thought of as proportional to discretionary incomes, were far lower at that time than today.) All the funding came from individuals making private decisions to commit their funds to the new enterprise. Those investors, most new to share markets, involved such scientific and literary luminaries as Charles Darwin, Charles Babbage, John Stuart Mill, the Bronte sisters and William Makepeace Thackeray, as well as such prominent politicians (directly or through their close families) as Disraeli, Gladstone, Palmerston, and Peel. Many famous figures were involved with the Mania.

Charlotte Bronte could afford a relatively calm view of the situation, since by the time of that letter she had achieved literary success, with her novel Jane Eyre one of the best- sellers of 1847. But most railway shareholders could not, and neither could she have had a few years earlier. There was wide dismay among railway investors, who once had had high hopes for riches, and instead were faced with ruin. Although railway shares did recover from the depths reached in late 1849, they were not regarded as having properly rewarded those who bought them and made the railway system possible4.  google/Britisch railway mania

Branwell Bronte obtained employment with the Manchester and Leeds Railway
Initially as 'assistant clerk in charge' at Sowerby Bridge railway station,[3] where he was paid £75 per annum (paid quarterly).[9] Later, on 1 April 1841, he was promoted to 'clerk in charge' at Luddendenfoot railway station,[3] where his salary increased to £130.[wiki/Branwell


I am always surprised, when I read how free, without male escort, the Bronte Sisters could travel by train

or by carriage through the country and abroad. I always thought it was not allowed in the Victorian period. I'll search the Internet for an answer. What was the situation in the period 1800 - 1900 when a woman wanted to travel? Part 1

1 opmerking:

  1. Like many at the time, Emily was good at railroad investment when the investment was good...
    But she did not like to cash them out when the stock declined, even though there were examples before that showed one should.

    Railroad stocks were rather like our own stock bubbles ...Ride high and then one gets out while the getting is good.

    But not Emily and Charlotte would not speak to her sister about it...CB would rather take the loss of Aunt's legacy than question EJ's judgement on this point

    Funny attitude in one who tore Emily's poems from her grasp and would not take no for an answer lol

    But as Charlotte said, some force made her do that. However I'll bet Charlotte was glad some of the money went to finance their books rather than be totally lost if left in the shock . The books were are far better investment as it turned out

    This sticking by a declining stock reminds one of Emily's staying with Newby even after he proved himself a though going rouge . Getting her to change her mind was hard even for herself lol
