donderdag 10 juli 2014

Women authors and the money they earned

1 opmerking:

  1. It's very interesting to think on what Charlotte was paid...of course she wished to be paid well ....but she was not in it solely for the money... with Jane Eyre it was enough to be paid at all...a step up from the poems!

    And after that it was a question of friendship with Mr. Smith and to a lesser extent, Mr. Williams and Taylor ...with CB things had to be on a personal level to get her best efforts--but friendship began to fade as Villett proved so tortuous for all parties.

    Plus I think Mr. Smith was annoyed he, and particularly, his mother were put under the bright light that was CB's genius. There is no other reasonable explanation Smith should have paid her at the same rate she received as an unknown author. Ridiculous. After the colossal success of JB, Shirley should have gotten more than 500, much less Villtte

    CB distress over the same sum was for her father's disappointment...something she was always keen to avoid, ...and how it seemed to be a mark of Cornhill's displeasure .
