zaterdag 31 mei 2014

His mother was listed as ‘spinster’ by the hand of Rev'd Patrick Bronte

 This rather grainy picture is of a William Bancroft [1821-1914], a well known resident of the village of Oxenhope near Keighley,showing him in old age.He was born on the 12th December 1821, the illegitimate son of Mary Bancroft.

The Haworth parish records confirm William’s status as illegitimate, because at his baptism at Haworth Parish Church on 19th February 1822, his mother was listed as ‘spinster’ by the hand of Rev'd Patrick Bronte.

Read more on: bancrofts from yorkshire

 William's Baptism Record from Haworth

donderdag 29 mei 2014

George Renaux

I am very sad to hear that Georges Renaux passed away
George was one of the great Bronte lovers of our time
I knew him because he was sending me
 sweet messages about the Brontes, about Emily
through this weblog and Facebook
As a friend of him is writing on his Facebook page:
Dear Georges, you will remain alive forever in our thoughts and hearts.
Rest in peace dear friend
This picture is taken by George when he was visiting the Parsonage in 1971

woensdag 28 mei 2014

Anne Bronte died on this day in 1849

This image shows the pebbles Anne Brontë collected on the beach during her final days in Scarborough, a place she loved. Anne died on this day in 1849, and was buried in St Mary's churchyard.

maandag 26 mei 2014

Number 93 where Elizabeth Gaskell was born

Moving on down from Crosby Hall is number 93 where Elizabeth Gaskell was born on the 29th September 1810. She wrote Cranford and North and South and was famous for her biography of  Charlotte Bronte. general-southerner

Charlotte produced this pencil drawing, known as the 'Revenante Castle'

On this day in 1829, Charlotte produced this pencil drawing, known as the 'Revenante Castle'. The actual sketch is only 54mm by 93mm.