dinsdag 10 maart 2015

Brussels Brontë weekend, 25-26 April, 2015

The time has come for our annual Brontë spring weekend, which will take place on 25-26 April.
Please find here the program.

Saturday 25 April 2015

Room P61, Université Saint-Louis, Rue du Marais 119, 1000 Brussels
Entrance charge: €10 (members €5)

14.00: We have two guest speakers this year.

Claire Harman will be talking about her new biography of Charlotte Brontë to be published in 2016, the bicentenary of Charlotte’s birth. Claire is the author of various literary biographies and of the highly-acclaimed Jane’s Fame on the legacy of Jane Austen.

We will also be joined by Bonnie Greer, President of the Brontë Society, writer and well-known TV personality, who will talk to the group.

Do join us for what promises to be a very interesting event.

Sunday 26 April 2015

10.00: Guided walk around Brontë places (Place Royale area). Duration: about 2 hours. Charge: €7.

Please register by sending an e-mail to Helen MacEwen (helen.macewan@ec.europa.eu).

1 opmerking:

  1. This weekend sounds like alot of fun for the Bronte fan ! How great to get a guided tour!

    Claire Harman will be talking about her new biography of Charlotte Brontë to be published in 2016, the bicentenary of Charlotte’s birth. Claire is the author of various literary biographies and of the highly-acclaimed Jane’s Fame on the legacy of Jane Austen.

    It will be interesting how an author who loves Jane Austen treats Charlotte... They seem at odds. However I have read two of Ms.Harman's other biographies and they are exceptionally well done ...so I'm excited about her book on Charlotte.

    I'm currently rereading Margot Peters bio of CB from the 70's called " Unquiet Soul" " . It is excellent . Her writing about CB's feelings for her young publisher, George Smith is particularly insightful.

    However imo Peters over estimates Mr. Gaskell goodness and underestimates Arthur Bell Nicholls's fitness. He may indeed have been unintellectual and narrow But within this man was a great love for her that was worthy of Charlotte Bronte and imo she came to see that . "

    Most books do place Lily high and Arthur low....certainly most before Baker's 1994 book " The Brontes". That was the book that broke the St Gaskell myth that had been in place since 1857 and brought Lily down to earth. It also showed Arthur's and Patrick's good points ...particularly Rev Bronte

    Indeed. One cannot read just one bio of the Brontes. You have to read a bunch and make up your own mind...another reason to welcome Claire Harman's book in 2016
