woensdag 14 oktober 2015

Mr. Nicholls in Banagher.

Mr. Nicholls in Banagher 1904
Isn't it wonderful that people can become friends through internet?
Some days ago Anne from  stayathomeartist wrote a post on my weblog
 about the visit to Banagher she and her husband made
Today I read her story on her own weblog
I know Anne a good many years
When I started this weblog
I started in the first place for myself
I started in Dutch
I wanted to collect all kind of articles about the Brontes
 But during time I copied parts of articles
and I realised I find much more articles in English then in Dutch
And doing so I started to meet people
from all over the world
And I love it
Like Anne who is living in the States
I admire the knowledge she has about the Brontes!!!!
It gives me so much fun
to meet Bronte fans
In real life I don't know anyone who even reads a Bronte novel ;-)
Anne, I copied 2 photographes you have on your weblog
I never saw the picture of Mr. Nicholls in Banagher 1904 ( see above)
What a beautiful picture
And the photograph here under
The same spot in Banagher today

1 opmerking:

  1. Indeed Geri, it's great when like mined people meet and share an interest. It's perhaps my favorite thing about the Internet. Your willingness to use a different language shows your devotion to the Brontes and is impressive! ;)
