vrijdag 15 juli 2011

Good news

Let's begin with the good news that the Charlotte Brontë letter auctioned yesterday at Sotheby's has been sold to the Brontë Society and will be going home again after so many years.

"...I know my own sentiments because I can read my own mind, but the mind of the rest of man and woman-kind, are to me sealed volumes, hieroglyphicked scrolls which I cannot easily either unseal or decipher; yet time, careful study, long acquaintance overcome most difficulties, and in your case, I think they have succeeded well in bringing to light and Construing that hidden language whose turnings, windings, inconsistencies, and obscurities, so frequently baffle the researches of the honest observer of human Nature... "bronteblogletter-of-charlotte-to-be-auctioned

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