vrijdag 15 juli 2011

Haworth and the newly-married couple

The people of Haworth welcomed in a loyal manner the  return of the newly-married couple, and in return Mr. Nicholls and his wife gave a tea and supper to five hundred of the day and Sunday scholars, teachers, bell-ringers, and choristers, etc. This gathering was a great success, and the votes of thanks touched Charlotte Bronte very deeply " One of the villagers, in proposing my husband's health, described him as a ' consistent Christian, and a kind gentleman.' I own the words touched me deeply, and I thought . . . that to merit and win such a character was better than to earn either wealth, or fame, or power."

The curate's wife had to drop the mantle of a novelist, as she was kept very busy in various ways. Visitors called at the old vicarage, and return calls had to be made. All the clergy in the neighbourhood and their wives made a point of calling and offering their congratulations, and the parsonage put
on a new life, for it had been a lonely and desolate place for a long time. http://www.archive.


1 opmerking:

  1. I own the words touched me deeply, and I thought . . . that to merit and win such a character was better than to earn either wealth, or fame, or power."

    I love this quote. It's in a letter to Miss Wooler from ,I believe, Sept of 1854. It says a great deal about Charoltte's thinking and personal happiness at this time.

    We go on about whether Mr.Nicholls would have allowed Charlotte to keep writing.
    But it was never up to Mr. Nicholls. When Charlotte agreed to become Mrs Nicholls,( and did a great deal of work on her father to do so!) she had already made the decision to focus more on her Haworth life rather than her London life. That decision of hers was first...then came marriage to her father's curate.

    She seemed in some doubt, then George Smith's letter telling her he was to be married, helped her make her choice. It was to be Haworth. Matters moved quickly after that. By the time of this letter to Miss Wooler, Charlotte was very happy with her choice.

    I believe eventually she would have written again. Reading to Mr. Nicholls the beginning of her next book shows her introducing the activity into thier busy , new life. But sadly, we'll never know.
