woensdag 3 augustus 2011

This is what the Bronte Sisters saw when they were walking on the moors in august.

August can be a hot dry month but also can be wet if westerly winds bring low depression giving periods of dull wet weather.
During the month the heather on the moors will be in flower swathed in purple, amongst the heather you will find bilberry its small ripe berries ready to eat. Some of the flowers you can see this this month are; Spear thistle Rosebay Willowherb Orange Hawkweed.
Insects such as Bees and Hoverflies are busy pollinating flowers. Burnet Moths can be seen usually on heathland. Some of the common butterflies you can see this month are; Peacock, Large Skipper, and Red Admiral
During August some birds which are regular visitors to our garden seem to disappear. Reason is that during this month birds moult their feathers and it can be dangerous particularly as their wing feathers will make it harder to escape predators, they will try to keep themselves concealed until the moult has finished. Another reason this is the time where there is plenty of natural food such as berries and grain so will move to where the best food is.

Summer visitors such as Swallows, House Martins and Swifts can be seen flying low over fields catching insects. Bats are a familiar site at sunset.
This is the best time to see Dragonflies and Damselflies. On warm days with a light wind you can see male Dragonflies establishing their territory and chasing off rivals. The Dragonfly species you are likely to see are the Common Hawkers. Damselflies which are smaller such as the Common Blue can be seen.y dates:

August 11th 2009: Heather is flowering purple on the moors.

1 opmerking:

  1. Aw, being a "Heather" myself, I love to think of the heather in bloom on the Bronte sister's moor. How lovely. I wish it were this green here. we've had a terrible drought. Wishing I were on the moors!~
