zondag 21 juli 2013

I made a collage

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Beautiful!

    For some reason this lovely art piece reminds me of , Maria Branwell Brontë , and her letters to "My dear saucy Pat" .

    Mrs Bronte's letters are wonderful and really one can see a root of her children's sensibility , humor and word craft in them

    Upon reading her mother's letters Charlotte wrote

    A few days since, a little incident happened which curiously touched me. Papa put into my hands a little packet of letters, telling me they were Mamma's and that I might read them.

    I did read them, in a frame of mind I cannot describe .

    The paper were yellow with time , all having been written before I was born. It was strange now to peruse , for the first time , the records of a mind whence my own sprang:and most strange and at once sad and sweet , to find that mind of a truly fine, pure and elevated order they were written to Papa before they were married.

    There is a rectitude , a refinement a constancy , a modesty a sense of gentleness about them indescribable. I wish she had lived , and that I had known her

    And here is some of Maria's words that Charlotte read

    But what nonsense am I writing! Surely after this you can have no doubt that you possess all my heart. Two months ago I could not possibly have believed that you would ever engross so much of my thoughts and affections, and far less could I have thought that I should be so forward as to tell you so. I believe I must forbid you to come here again unless you can assure me that you will not steal any more of my regard.

    and in a later letter

    Enough of this; I must bring my pen to order, for if I were to suffer myself to revise what I have written I should be tempted to throw it in the fire . . . I trust in your hours of retirement you will not forget to pray for me. I assure you I need every assistance to help me forward; I feel that my heart is more ready to attach itself to earth than heaven. I sometimes think there never was a mind so dull and inactive as mine is with regard to spiritual things.

    and then

    .....how could I so contentedly give up my home and all my friends – a home I loved so much that I have often thought nothing could bribe me to renounce it for any great length of time together, and friends with whom I have been so long accustomed to share all the vicissitudes of joy and sorrow? Yet these have lost their weight, and though I cannot always think of them without a sigh, yet the anticipation of sharing with you all the pleasures and pains, the cares and anxieties of life, of contributing to your comfort and becoming the companion of your pilgrimage, is more delightful to me than any other prospect which this world can possibly present.

    1. How beautiful the letters of Maria Branwell. Charlotte was a happy one that she could read it. And Patrick a great father to give it to her. I will look if I ever made a blog about these letters. If not, it is a nice idea to do.

      I took the photographes from a You Tube movie. It was an experiment. I am going to work on it more. I can have photographes I never saw before. Only the fan is a ""normal"" photo

  2. They are surprising letters...." the apple did not fall far from the tree" as the saying goes. One can hear echos of her children in Maria's words and her humor is delightful

    Patrick gave them to Charlotte to read in 1850

    We have them today because Arthur Bell Nicholls kept them for 50 years . Now Mr. Nicholls was great one for burning letters so they could not be read by those for whom they were not intended.

    However in this case he did not! I wonder if Mr. Bronte asked him to keep them ?...and really Arthur only refused to obey Patrick one time.... when he refused to give up his pursuit Charlotte ! lol

    When they left his hands, there were over 80 years ago....and yet Arthur still worried he was breaking a confidence.. but .I'm very glad he did as it's all we have of the Bronte's mother. The letters are everything Charlotte say they are

    There is a rectitude , a refinement a constancy , a modesty a sense of gentleness about them indescribable.

    Charlotte seemed of two natures...her father's contribution she knew very well...but here Charlotte met the the other spring of her nature and how strong it ran . A voice she had never heard before, but one that was inexpressibly close as well ....indeed the sensation would be " indescribable"

    It speaks to the deep privacy within the family that Charlotte didn't even know of the letters existence before her father handed them to her!

    I can't wait for more art like this art piece! When I think of a of collage , I think of images placed together without spaces between ...but the space adds a great deal!

    If one looks at just two images or all four at once , one can make different art pieces
    by this visual selection and each tell a story

    I would never know those panels were taken from a video! Amazing

    More please!
