zaterdag 20 juli 2013

the Bronte parasol

Anne reacted on my lastblog":

Auntie Eleanor (b. 1899-d. 2001) had the Bronte parasol given to her by the Bronte housekeeper.

Martha died in 1882 ( in 1880, see reaction Anne)) so I gather someone else in the Brown family gave it to Eleanor, perhaps one of Martha's many nieces who got it from Martha or another one of the 5 original Brown daughters as most of them worked at the parsonage on and off and could be considered "the house keeper", Martha of course being the most constant one. 

The very delicacy of this item helped to persevere it for us today imo.. From the start it would be understood as too dainty to be used for "make do" unlike other Bronte items. I believe one of Charlotte's dresses was altered and used by a Brown niece as a little girl !

I love your comments, Anne!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Thank you Geri! I love your blog!

    Also thanks for highlighted my comment

    I later realized I gave the wrong date for Martha's death.
    It was in 1880, not 1882.. A wise poster would have said the 1880's lol

    The point however is the same. Auntie Eleanor, born in 1899, could not have gotten the parasol from Martha herself. But she didn't need to. The river of such Bronte items was still running strong though the Brown family at her time ...and really who else would have such a rich item ( ivory handle! ) in the area but Charlotte after her success ?

    As I say, imo the black color is significant as well . I do believe Charlotte 's mourning outfits were well turned out. She had money now and spent quite a bit on them

    But how sad.

    One year you are the literary sensation of the English speaking world and more...the next, you begin to lose all your siblings. All.

    It's difficult to imagine Charlotte's thoughts and feelings during those years she sat in the dining room alone after evening prayers.

    Here is the success they all dreamed of ...but met alone

    I so admire her courage.

    We often look upon Patrick as a drag on Charlotte at this time, and point to Charlotte's sacrifices because of her duty towards him.

    And we say how marvelous that Arthur stayed with and cared for the old man for 6 years as he promised he would

    All true

    But seeing to Patrick kept each of them sane in a time of unimaginable grief . They welcomed the office imo

  2. However, a new assessment showed the material was in fact bone, and paperwork was quickly processed to transport the prized object back to the UK.

    Yikes! another mistake on my part . I missed that bit of info before ...

    It makes greater Bronte sense the handle is bone rather than ivory This is the lady who got muslin instead of silk for her wedding dress! lol
