dinsdag 29 oktober 2013

Cross Roads Inn

For years, a tiny pub on the road between the English villages of Haworth and Keighley has been home to a peculiar rumor. The Cross Roads Inn was one of Branwell Brontë’s favorite haunts. It was at the Cross Roads that two of Branwell’s friends claim he read from a manuscript that featured the characters who would later appear in the novel Wuthering Heights.
Despite Charlotte Brontë’s insistence that her sister Emily wrote Wuthering Heights, the rumor that their brother Branwell penned the novel has persisted. In their various biographies, Juliet Barker, Daphne du Maurier, Lucasta Miller, and Fannie Elizabeth Ratchford all considered the possibility that Branwell was the true author of Wuthering Heights. Barker claimed to have identified a story of Branwell’s that influenced the relationship between Catherine and Heathcliff; du Maurier pointed to poems written by Emily and Branwell as evidence of an early collaboration between the two that could have blossomed into Wuthering Heights.
The persistence of the rumor reflects the curious, cloistered upbringing of the Brontës, but also the more universal experience of siblings. Collaboration and competition between brothers and sisters exists no matter their vocations, but literary siblings challenge our assumptions of lonely genius, isolated writers alone at their desks. Patrick Brontë, father to the four artists, who raised them himself after their mother died, wrote: “As they had few opportunities of being in learned and polished society, in their retired country situation, they formed a little society amongst themselves—with which they seem’d content and happy.” (Casey N. Cep) (Read more)


1 opmerking:

  1. I think the persistence rumor points to wishful thinking on the part of Branwell's friends and drinking partners at the time and others since.

    I'd sooner believe John Malham-Dembleby's idea Charlotte wrote WH before Branwell . Simply because Emily would not take her brother's work as her own and cut him out if he had anything to do with it...and also Patrick said Branwell didn't write a page of it...Both of these individuals would love to be able to point to some accomplishment of Branwell's if they could it seems to me

    Emily would never claim a work was hers unless it was. She could barely be counted on to claim her own work much less another's .
