dinsdag 29 oktober 2013

When I was a child we had a dining table that had belonged to the Bronte family

When Joanne Hutton lived at the Parsonage she held guided tours. Here is Josh, her Grandson, pointing (heroically) to the window from where his uncle used to hang and heckle her during the tours. — bij Bronte Museum & Parsonage.

I received this reaction from Ferndean Manor on one of my posts:

""The parsonage has had a fascinating history. We spoke a couple of years ago about Ferndean Manor and also the research i was doing about Branwell. Since then I have been given access to Joanne Huttons memoirs (mentioned in your article, the first female curator of the parsonage) together with her grandson we are writing a new history of the Bronte story as she reveals many revelations from her knowledge of them, the Bronte society and people who have tried to control the legacy. The memoirs and also an unpublished manuscript are very exciting and we hope the book will generate much discussion. In the mean time we are posting up little bits of research and a few teasers here:


On this Facebook page I read this: 

""  My name is Ian Howard and my family were connected to the Brontes. Exactly how, we are not sure, but that is one of the motivations for me to embark on researching this story. When I was a child we had a dining table that had belonged to the Bronte family and also a first edition Jane Eyre which was stolen from a Bronte exhibition. I’m still trying to track that book down.

After leaving school and a short lived apprenticeship in the textile industry I became a serving police officer which brought me into contact with some rather senior members of the Freemasons and when I left the force I worked as a private investigator on behalf of solicitors, banks and national newspapers. It is not a period of my life that I am particularly proud of and in the fullness of time I did realise it wasn’t the nicest of jobs to have shaping my personality. After a sort of epiphany, I dropped out and started on what I would like to consider a more consciousness evolving path. My past did however put me in good stead to both get my teeth into serious research and also understand some people’s duplicity and ulterior motives. 
I will go into much more detail of all this in the book but for the sake of facebook, I think that is enough for the time being""

I think, this really is interesting and I wait to hear some more news.

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