maandag 7 april 2014

A Jenkins descendant meets a Heger descendant

A Jenkins descendant meets a Heger descendant:
M. Francois Fierens (great-great-great-grandson of Constantin
Heger) and Monica Kendall (great-great-granddaughter of Rev.
Evan and Eliza Jenkins), Brussels, February 2014
Read the complete story on: brusselsbronte/brussels-bronte-jenkins
I am the great-great-granddaughter of that Mrs Jenkins (her name was Eliza, née Jay), and of Rev. Evan Jenkins, the British Chaplain in Brussels from 1825 until his death in 1849. Until October 2013 I knew quite a bit about the Jenkins family in Brussels, though mostly in the second half of the nineteenth century, but knew nothing about our connection with the Brontës. It’s a mystery why there are no anecdotes in the family. But thanks to hugely helpful people who responded to my interest (and an inordinate number of emails I sent) I finally arrived in Brussels in February 2014 to investigate. It was the same month Charlotte and Emily arrived, 172 years before – rather more quickly (by Eurostar from London where I live) than the Brontës had managed!

 The current 61 Rue des Champs Elysées - possibly the same
house as in the 1860s: the Jenkins home and school at that time

1 opmerking:

  1. but knew nothing about our connection with the Brontës.

    Indeed. Mrs Jenkins was the one to point the Brontes to the Heger school and she bravely invited the Bronte girls to visit the family on Sundays and half holidays until it became too painfully obvious they didn't enjoy the attention . One of Mrs.Jenkins two sons would walk the girls back( usually in utter silence ) So it's quite a connection . It must be fun to poke about one's family history and come up with something like that!

    Ms.Kendell wonders why are no anecdotes in the family and on the surface it is a mystery . But it reminds me of the Robinson family's silence as well..

    If Charlotte's classmates ( such as the Wheelwrights ) instantly saw the school and its characters in "Villttte " why would not Mrs Jenkins? ...and if she did not see it right off, it would likely be pointed out to her by other connections from her time in Brussels . Imo it would be difficult to reflect on one's role in bringing the situation about ( by suggesting the school) and the resulting savaging of Madame Heger . It would not lead one to point out the connection least that's my guess. What is interesting history to us would be a painful incident back then. I'd be horrified myself ...

    However it's wonderful M. Francois Fierens and Monica Kendall met! What fun!
