woensdag 9 april 2014

A very good idea

For the first time the Parsonage is offering VIP tours for the most dedicated Brontë enthusiasts. Small groups or individuals can now enjoy a personalised tour of the Museum given by a specially trained guide, and/or view close up some of the treasures of the collection, whether manuscripts, 'Little Books', the Brontës' personal possessions, letters or drawings. Special interest groups can be catered for, and tours and treasures tailored to your particular requirements. This could be a once-in-a-lifetime present for a special occasion, or an unforgettable part of your trip to Yorkshire for a group of true Brontë lovers. To contact us click here, or ring Sarah Laycock on 01535 640199.
VIP Tour Fees, 2013
For 2 to 8 people:Private Tour -  25 per person
Library Viewing -  £25 per person
Private Tour and Library Viewing - £40 each,
For 1 person only, minimum payment:Private Tour -   £50 each
Library Viewing - £50 each
Private Tour and Library Viewing - £50 each

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Great to know! I'll be putting it on my Haworth to do list ! Thanks for posting!

    1. Yes, i was thinking of you AND we are thinking to go next year.....so, we both can make a list.

  2. I wonder if there limit to the items one can have them bring out , say like 3 or so .Great you are thinking about next year! But have you been there before Geri? I would think so being nearer than I .

    What would be on your list?

  3. I visited it twice in the eighties. It was great. I spent some days in Haworth. To see the Parsonage was like a beautiful dream. I have no photographes but slides ( do you call it like this? That was fashion in those days.) I have to search where they are. I want so make photographes of it. It is on my to do list ;-)

    Yes, what do I like to see, if I could ask for three items? That question I ask myself too. I really would search on the archive of the Parsonage. With this treasure thing on Facebook I see all the time new things, it surprises me very much. One thing I really like to see are the little books and the letter from Charlotte to Mr. Heger.

    And you?

  4. I imagine I will faint to realize it's a real place after all and I am there ! As fans we are used to projecting ourselves strongly towards these people and places. It can be overwhelming when a place steps up and meets us lol Almost a collision!

    Slides is the right word . Were you allowed to take photos inside the Parsonage back then ?

    Those are excellent choices of items to see. Do you read French? It would be interesting to read the letter as CB wrote these heart crys, written in tears rather than ink and what history those pages had long after she sent them off!

    It's amazing to me how well CB picked up and used that language and in part it started with the French novels the Taylor's lent her. ( and how else could she get them but from the radical Taylors?) Perhaps people should look to their influence upon her writing as well as Bryon and Scott! lol

    Speaking of the Taylors, no one knew more about CB's attachment to M. Heger than Mary Taylor as she saw CB's face when Mary came to Haworth and had to tell CB " I have no letter for you Charlotte " Quite a moment .

    Like you I will give a think and research as to what to ask for. There is just so much one would like to see! I know one item will be Arthur's gold watch :)
