maandag 5 januari 2015

2015. A Brontë Year

2014 was a year of transition in many aspects, also as all-things-Brontë are concerned. And everything seems to point out that 2015 will also be a relatively uneventful year, just holding the reins for the big events that are being prepared for the 200th anniversary of Charlotte Brontë's birth in 2016. Except, of course, if we are talking about the Brontë Society which in the verge of the big celebrations of next year has nothing better to do than exhibit to the world intestine/internecine (cross out what does not apply) wars and absurd rivalries that nobody outside the stale air of the closed rooms of the Brontë Society (both the ruling board and the so-called dissenters) understands. Let's hope this new year will bring some common sense and less misused stamina based on pride (and prejudice) dressed as intelligentsia.

Nevertheless, we know of a few interesting things that the new year will bring and some hints of several others that it might bring: Read more on:

2015. A Brontë Year

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Except, of course, if we are talking about the Brontë Society which in the verge of the big celebrations of next year has nothing better to do than exhibit to the world intestine/internecine (cross out what does not apply) wars and absurd rivalries that nobody outside the stale air of the closed rooms of the Brontë Society (both the ruling board and the so-called dissenters) understands.

    What is so hard to understand? It is very simple

    Many benefits, grants and attention will be given to Parsonage starting even before
    2016 and going on for more 4 years at least until 2020.

    One group is there and will benefit; another group wants to take over so they may benefit.

    The unhappy staff /lost their way / being aloof from the village/
    press campaign is happening because the emergency meeting did not go
    the outside groups way

    See? Simple

  2. I wonder what ever happened to the epic Bronte movie that was going to be produced by Mel Gibson?! They had the cast and a beautiful promotional website, locations picked out...and I've heard nothing. I hope it's still being considered...that would be something to look forward to, the other documentaries sound interesting as well.
    Hope the society can work out it's differences for the benefit of all...most especially for the Bronte's!
    xo J~

    1. 24 Corners, I had forgotten about that project Hopefully it's the still on. I feel the group within the society will stop attacking when the anniversaries pass. Whatever the reasons given for the attack , it's about the anniversaries imo.
